The Journal of the Baptist Peace Fellowship of North America April-June 2014 - (Page 1)
April-June 2014
The Journal of the Baptist Peace Fellowship of North America
Vol 34 No 2
Help us to be aware, Lord,
to have eyes that see,
ears that hear,
and hearts that receive your
revelation of yourself-
no matter how it comes.
Help us to be expecting
your love and blessing
and take it to a world
that must have it
in order to survive.
art by E
rin Kenn
edy Ma
-Rachel Gill,
from a prayer published in
Bless This Weary World:
Prayers at Oakhurst
The Baptist Peace Fellowship of North America gathers, equips and mobilizes Baptists to build a culture of
peace rooted in justice. We labour with a wonderful array of peacemakers to change the world.
Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of The Journal of the Baptist Peace Fellowship of North America April-June 2014