COVER STORY 2023 FARM MARKET PRICING GUIDE Farm marketers were asked to share pricing information on a variety of fruits, vegetables and other food and beverages. The information below depicts the percentage of survey participants that charge the stated amount for a given item. Except where indicated otherwise, prices are by the pound. TYPES OF CROPS SOLD Conventionally Grown Already Picked Conventionally Grown Pick-Your-Own Organically Grown Already Picked 57% 28% 11% CIDER - 1 gl $7 15% $9 26% $10 15% Average Price: $8.50 Conventionally Grown Already Picked Conventionally Grown Pick-Your-Own WHOLE PIE $15 23% $16 11% $18 11% Average Price: $14.60 Conventionally Grown Pick-Your-Own Organically Grown Already Picked 1 DOZEN DONUTS $10 13% $11 13% $12 19% Average Price: $9.70 Organically Grown Already Picked Conventionally Grown Already Picked Conventionally Grown Pick-Your-Own $2.50 26% $5 22% $1 35% $1 25% $2 25% Organically Grown Already Picked Conventionally Grown Already Picked $4 19% $2 17% $5 20% $4 17% $5 12% $2.50 21% $8 10% $5 11% $3 18% $7 11% $1.50 6% $3 25% $3.50 13% Source: 2023 Farm Market Pricing Survey @ Great American Media Services/Fruit Growers News Source: 2023 Farm Market Pricing Survey @ Great American Media Services/Vegetable Growers News Source: 2023 Farm Market Pricing Survey @ Great American Media Services/Organic Grower 16 | MAY/JUNE 2023 $6 10% $3 21% $9 10% $5.50 10% $3.50 9% $8 11% $2 12% $3.50 25% $6 13% $7 10% $4 13% $10 10% $6 13% $4 18% $12 11% $3 8% $4 25% $10 13% Conventionally Grown Already Picked Conventionally Grown Pick-Your-Own Organically Grown Already Picked Conventionally Grown Already Picked Conventionally Grown Pick-Your-Own Organically Grown Already Picked $1 13% $1 31% $1.50 18% $2 21% $2 24% $5 22% $1.50 29% $1.50 22% $2 18% $2.5 25% $2.50 12% $7.50 11% $2 23% $2 28% $3 27% $3 22% $3 32% $9 11% $2.50 17% $3 9% $4.50 27% $3.50 10% $3.50 8% $10 11% MELONS STAWBERRIES CHERRIES PEACHES APPLES