2014 ERA AWARDS 2014 EXCELLENCE IN RETAILING AWARDS ANNUAL AWARDS GALA RECOGNIZES INDUSTRY'S INNOVATION, INGENUITY AND INSIGHT COMPILED BY ROBERT PRICE IF anyone ever wonders how the Canadian retail industry continues to forge ahead, unleashing the latest innovations and practices in such a seamless manner, one needn't look any further than Retail Council of Canada's annual Excellence in Retailing Awards. The awards highlight the creativity and genius behind improvements to logistics, human resources and enhancements to the retail experience enjoyed by today's consumer. Read About The 2014 ERA Award-Winning Initiatives and Results: Corporate & Social Responsibility (Large/Mid) 50/51 E-commerce (Large/Mid) 52/53 Energy & Environmental Sustainability 54 Health, Safety & Wellness 55 In-Store Merchandising (Large/Mid) 56/57 Loss Prevention 58 Marketing & Communications 59 Store Design 60 Talent Development 61 Technology 62 www.retailcouncil.org/cdnretailer | store 2014 | canadian retailer | 49http://www.retailcouncil.org/cdnretailer