NAILBA Perspectives - May/June 2014 - (Page 11)

ceo insights Perspectives is published for the National Association of Independent Life Brokerage Agencies 11325 Random Hills Road, Suite 110 Fairfax, VA 22030 (703) 383-3081 NAILBA BOARD OF DIRECTORS Barbara Crowley Chairman David Long Chair-Elect Do You Know Everything? George C. Van Dusen IV Secretary/ Treasurer Raymond S. Phillips, Jr., CLU, LTCP Immediate Past Chairman Michael C. Bellig, JD, CLU Joseph Bosnack Thomas L. Gilbert, CLU, ChFC, LTCP Melinda S. Meyer Ben Nevejans Jeffrey D. Mooers Thomas Riekse, Jr. James Sorebo Stephen F. Walther NAILBA EDITORIAL ADVISORY PANEL JACK CHIASSON, CAE NAILBA CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER Scott Blumberg Michael Cohen, CLU Christi M. Daughenbaugh David Johnston JACK Sheri Leaders CHIASSON, CMP NAILBA EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR John McWilliams Melinda S. Meyer Jeffrey D. Mooers Lori Payne Laurie B. Prevette Michael Tessler NAILBA STAFF Jack Chiasson, CAE Chief Executive Officer Kathy Allison Director, Membership and the Foundation Susan D. Haning, CEM, CMP Director, Business Development Susan Klemmer Deputy Chief Executive Officer Rachel C. Marineau, CMP Manager, Meetings and Education Meredith Maslich Administrative Coordinator Sarah O'Hanley Manager, Exhibits, Sponsorships and Advertising John Tong Director, Administration and Operations Mark Valentini, MPP Director, Government Affairs Editor: Susan Klemmer Advertising: Susan D. Haning, CEM, CMP Design and Production: Blue House Creative Director: Elinor Van Dyck Designer: Jessica Feirtag A s I write this, all of us here at NAILBA headquarters are keeping our fingers crossed that we have had our last snow storm for this winter. We hope that the same is true for you as well! It's been a VERY long time since we've had to close our offices four times in one winter due to weather...and we're hoping that it will be another long time until we have to do so again. Oy... I've written about the need for education in this space before- the need to keep up with all that's going on in the insurance industry, the need to maintain your necessary certifications, the need to know what's up with technology, etc. I'm sure we've also talked here about the many different types of education available to you. So then the question becomes a simple (albeit two-part) one. Are you continuing your education? Or do you already know everything? I'm amazed every day at the amount of stuff that I find that I DON'T know. Some of it is related to NAILBA (and, by extension, the insurance industry), some of it is not. I find that a lot of the industry knowledge that I am missing comes from regular conversation with NAILBA members and supporters. I don't think of these conversations as part of my education, really, but it is. Some of the knowledge I have gained is deliberate. For instance, I ask questions when "you insurance guys" go over my head-which, hopefully, is not as often as it used to be (thank you for your patience!). But the vast majority of my industry knowledge comes almost by osmosis. I hear things, I read things, I see things-and all of that information gets filed away in the "mental filing cabinet" (we all have one, don't we?). Then a couple of weeks later, another piece of information on a similar topic comes in, and all of a sudden-without really trying-a complex concept makes sense (or at least a little more sense than it did before). This works pretty well for me in my life outside of NAILBA, too. Most of you know that I have a pretty active volunteer life outside of my work with you. It's part of what keeps me balanced, happy, and productive here at NAILBA. I've been able to take a lot of what I've learned at NAILBA to my volunteer life. Conversely, I take chunks of what I've learned elsewhere and try to apply them to what I do here. I KNOW that you all do this, too-I'm absolutely not claiming uniqueness (is that a word?) in this regard! This gets to the second part of my question; do you already know everything? I would suggest that, to the best of my knowledge, no human being already knows everything. I would also suggest that we all know someone who THINKS they do! And what is it you do when you talk with that person? Speaking only for myself, I tend to nod and smile a lot, but almost immediately after the conversation, I "forget" most of what I just heard. I will admit to occasionally being taken in by one of these folks, but that just adds to my education-I know better next time! And one final note. I am connected to a lot of you via LinkedIn. I enjoy reading things that you post there-either on your profiles or in the NAILBA LinkedIn Group. (Didn't know about that? You should go take a look.) A couple of weeks ago, in a LinkedIn Update, a message said "Congratulate Jack Chiasson on his new position!" I have gotten a huge chuckle from the number of messages and/or phone calls that I have gotten saying "you're leaving NAILBA???" NO, folks, I'm not going anywhere (to my knowledge!). That message was generated by LinkedIn because I updated my profile and added a volunteer position that was important to me. (I also thoroughly enjoyed the comments I got from folks who read the ENTIRE LinkedIn, there are a LOT of animal lovers in the NAILBA world!) So here's another piece of education for you-just because it's on the internet doesn't necessarily mean it's true! See? Education comes from many different places. See you next time! 11

Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of NAILBA Perspectives - May/June 2014

NAILBA Perspectives - May/June 2014
Chairman’s Corner
CEO Insights
How to Train New Marketing Reps
Reading Ahead
Life Happens
The 3M Formula for BGA Marketing Success
NAILBA Charitable Foundation
Member Profiles
Agency Successor Networking Group
Agency Resources
member Profiles
MDRT Annual Meeting
Legislative Update
Calendar of Events
Index of Advertisers

NAILBA Perspectives - May/June 2014