NAILBA Perspectives - May/June 2015 - (Page 7)
chairman's corner
Education is the
Transmission of Civilization
-Will Durant
ecognize that quote? I'd be
impressed if you did. We
used it a little over 8 years
ago when we first rolled out NAILBA
University. I'm using it again, even
though I'm still not all that clear
on who Will Durant is, because it's
still true. To that end, education is
a critical component to any industry,
and moreover, a cornerstone of our
business. As I've mentioned at the
annual meeting and in this column,
education is a major focus of our current strategic plan.
Based on feedback from membership, face-to-face educational opportunities are desirable, however, we've
proven time and again that we're all
too busy to get together more than
once a year. It's just the way it is,
so we are planning accordingly. That
means taking full advantage of the
time we spend together at the NAILBA
Annual Meeting. The Annual Meeting
section of the Professional Development Committee (PDC) will continue
to provide breakout sessions tailored
to feedback from you, the NAILBA
member agencies. This includes an
expanded focus on best practices for
running a business. We will still provide industry specific content related
to product trends, underwriting, sales
strategies, etc. Also look for programs related to government affairs
as we partner with AALU to advocate
on behalf of our industry and clients.
We all know about one major educational opportunity available at the
Annual Meeting that isn't held during
any of the general sessions or in the
break out programs-but I'll remind
you anyway-each other. In addition
to all the great content every year at
the Annual Meeting, I still find one of
the best reasons to attend is the ability to talk to other members. It's really amazing that we are all in pretty
fierce competition with one another, yet I can't tell you the last time
I asked a question of another BGA
and was told "that's confidential," or
"can you sign a non-disclosure agreement before I answer that?" So much
knowledge in one place and my experience has been everybody wants
everybody to be successful. It's kind
of like golf-it's hard enough to beat
the course, we can worry about the
competition when we figure out what
we're doing!
Now I realize as Chairman I'm
drinking a healthy portion of the
NAILBA Kool-Aid (maybe I'm compensating for no longer drinking the
Northwestern Mutual Kool-Aid??),
but I get excited every year when
they first swing the doors open to
the exhibit hall. It could be because
I want to see what the latest innovation in tchotchkes (there's a word
I've never typed before!) will be, but
let's face it, the educational opportunities in this room are limitless. With
nearly 100 carriers, vendors, associations, and other exhibitors represented-there is no single place on earth
housing as much information about
what we do than that room. Take your
time, go down every aisle, take a picture with an albino boa constrictor,
grab an extra cookie-but also get
serious, dig in, and reap the harvest
of information before you that could
hold the next great idea that takes
your agency to the next level.
Since we need to continue to learn
after the Annual Meeting, the next
best thing to being there is the webinar. NAILBA will offer quarterly webi-
nars to start, and increase the frequency over time based on demand.
Both NAILBA staff and the PDC are
currently developing web based programs that will help membership run
successful agencies and stay ahead of
the curve on industry developments.
The NAILBA website is also a
valuable resource for our membership-24/7. The aforementioned
NAILBA University resides at NAILBA.
org. NAILBA University's mission is
to serve the educational and training
needs of NAILBA member agencies
and the supporting brokerage community by increasing the number and
value of professional development
options available. You may not know
about these programs if you haven't
been to the website, but there are ten
of them! At our agency, all new staff
members take the BGA Training Series
when they are hired. This accomplishes two things: 1) It gives the new
team member a basic foundation of
what we do in this industry; and 2) It
gives the trainee something productive to do when I'm constantly taking phone calls during training! That's
just one example. Take a look at the
NAILBA University page after you've
read this issue of Perspectives cover
to cover; you'll be impressed. By the
end of the year, further improvements
will be made to to provide additional member benefits and
enhance the ease of use of the site.
I hope I gave you some things to
look into as well as some things to
look forward to as they relate to your
continuing education. Take advantage
of these opportunities and keep that
transmission humming! Thanks for
your membership, and your time. 7
Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of NAILBA Perspectives - May/June 2015
NAILBA Perspectives - May/June 2015
Chairman’s Corner
CEO Insights
Basic Staff Training: Onboarding Should be Longer than One Day
NAILBA Charitable Foundation
Member Profiles
Mooers Award Nominations
Get Schooled! Ongoing employee Education and Producer Training are Key to a Brokerage Agency’s Success
Agency Successor Networking Group
Life Happens
Reading Ahead
Government Affairs
Calendar of Events
Index of Advertisers
NAILBA Perspectives - May/June 2015