NAILBA Perspectives - July/August 2015 - (Page 32)
reading ahead
Can Negativity
Produce Productivity?
What have you recently read that
inspired you to look differently at the
way you're doing business? NAILBA
welcomes your recommendations
for books or blogs that you find
helpful in shaping the way you do
business. Contact Rachel Marineau,
NAILBA's Manager of Meetings
and Education, at 703.383.3069 or and share
your reading list.
32 perspectives JULY/AUGUST 2015
The Discomfort Zone
Marcia Reynolds
Difficult conversations can be...
well, difficult. But they don't have
to be. In her book The Discomfort
Zone, Marcia Reynolds unlocks the
door to uncomfortable discussions
and teaches us how to navigate
them successfully.
Normally when dealing with an
unpleasant topic the tendency is to
avoid negative emotions or any conflict. But Reynolds reasons that one
of the best ways to get an individual to think more objectively about a
solution to the problem is to get the
other person to face reality and deal
with negative feelings. When negative emotions enter the equation,
they can actually force us to confront
reality and break down the biases in
our own thinking and solve the problem from a different perspective:
this is the discomfort zone. That's
not to say this is always the only or
best way, but it disrupts the thinking
patterns enough to generate a much
needed "a-ha!" moment.
To get to that critical place however, you have to listen. But you
must listen with more than what
your ears are hearing. You need to
use your heart and your gut. Your
ears tell you the main story, but
your heart can help read between
the lines and reveal if someone is
perhaps overwhelmed or shocked;
the heart gets to the feelings of the
individual. Your gut can help decipher where the other party's emotions are coming from; are they nervous about making a decision? By
using the information gathered by
listening through these three filters, you can create a discomfort
zone conversation and help the
person deal directly. Yes, this will
make the other person uncomfortable but it allows them to deal with
what they're feeling and think about
what's motivating their actions.
But before you get the other person to open up, you have to establish an atmosphere of trust. Take
the person aside, relax your body,
and remove any worries or pre-conceived thoughts of your own, and
make them your sole focus. Help
set the mood by opening with some
statements that let them know you
understand and can relate to the
matter at hand. Otherwise, launching into criticism will put them
on the defensive and shut down
any hope of having a constructive
Reynolds offers five steps to the
discomfort zone technique represented by the acronym, DREAM.
Readers of The Discomfort Zone will
learn how to further perfect their
conversational skills when dealing
with difficult discussions. For anyone in management who's had to
navigate tough conversations, this
read is a must.
The ONE Thing
Gary Keller and Jay Papasan
The 80/20 rule is somewhat common
knowledge in business. Eighty percent of your results are delivered by
twenty percent of your inputs. Not
all tasks are of equal importance. So
in order to increase your efficiency,
you have to prioritize your tasks to
focus on those that deliver the most
important results.
In their book The ONE Thing,
authors Gary Keller and Jay Papasan suggest that in order to get
yourself in the right frame of mind
you need to ask yourself what they
call the "focusing question." It's
the only question you need to ask
yourself in order to be more productive: "What's the ONE thing
I can do, such that by doing it
everything else will become easier
or unnecessary?"
This one question can even be broken down into two different levels:
1. Focus on the big picture. What's
the one thing you want to have
achieved in life? What's the one
legacy you want to leave behind at
your job? Or your next career goal?
2. What's the first thing you can do
to set that in motion? Keep the
focus small and prioritize your
immediate options starting with
whatever will be the most effective task.
The first focus question helps
give the right direction while the
second helps provide the right
action. And as you work toward that
goal, asking yourself the focusing
question at the beginning of each
day will help you to become more
successful and productive.
Focus on that one task you identified and once the small focus task
is done, do the next, and then the
next, and so on. Whatever you do,
refrain from multi-tasking because
you cannot effectively focus on
two tasks at the same time. Pick
one task and give it your undivided attention.
Kellar and Papasan provide many
other great insights into accomplishing that "ONE thing" such as
developing good discipline and routine habits and understanding your
own limits as it pertains to will power. For those who are looking to set
a new goal or simply need to focus
on an end result that seems to elude
them, this book has terrific insights
to get you to your destination.
Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of NAILBA Perspectives - July/August 2015
NAILBA Perspectives - July/August 2015
Chairman’s Corner
CEO Insights
What is the Future of Straight Through Processing?
NAILBA Charitable Foundation
Member Profiles
Mooers Award Nominations
Agency Successor Networking Group
Life Happens
NAILBA 34 Program Preview
Reading Ahead
Calendar of Events
Index of Advertisers
NAILBA Perspectives - July/August 2015