NAILBA Perspectives - September/October 2015 - (Page 20)
nailba's agency successor networking group
Mentoring the Next Generation
Have you been identified as the next
sitting principal of your agency?
The ASNG Planning Team works
diligently to reach out to others in
the industry who have transition
experience and are willing to
share what they learned in the
process. Contact Rachel Marineau,
NAILBA's Manager of Meetings
and Education, at 703.383.3069
or for
more information on the Agency
Successor Networking Group.
here do you turn when
you are faced with a
tough business decision?
Trusted published sources and authors
can be helpful, but they offer general
wisdom and do not always understand
your unique situation and/or company. Talking with peers who are wading through the same process can be
beneficial but there is the possibility
that you are both missing a potential
pothole that could halt progress, or
there could be another option neither
of you have envisioned. The input of
a trusted mentor can be invaluable in
situations such as these. A mentor is
a peer who has a bit more experience
and can provide a helpful perspective as well as their own expertise on
matters. They may approach problems
from a different angle, forcing you to
think outside the box and arrive at
a completely different outcome altogether, which may be more impactful.
As the next owner of your agency there will be many different
facets of owning and running a
business that will be new and foreign to you. Procedures related to
human resources, being the owner
or lessee of the space your office
occupies, keeping the books, and
other accounting matters, to name
just a few. A mentor has likely
been through the same scenario
you're finding yourself in and can
coach you through the process.
Often times even if they have not
encountered the same issue they
can go to their own peers and
glean advice and best practices
through them. Sometimes an ethical issue arises where there is a
lot of gray area. Having a trusted
advisor who can talk through the
pros and cons of different cours-
20 perspectives SEPTEMBER/OCTOBER 2015
es of action is what is needed to
arrive at the best decision.
One of the tasks identified in
NAILBA's 2015-2017 Strategic Plan is
the creation of a mentoring program
within the Agency Successor Networking Group (ASNG). The ASNG Steering
Committee will be reaching out to
its members to identify their specific needs. This will allow the pairing
of members with others in the industry who have been previously identified as mentors. Mentors and ASNG
members alike will be encouraged to
reach out and connect on a frequent
basis to discuss challenges, exchange
advice, as well as troubleshoot and
help develop solutions.
If you have gone through your
own succession within your agency
and would be willing to serve as a
mentor to an ASNG member, please
contact Rachel Marineau, NAILBA's
Manager of Meetings and Education,
at 703.383.3069 or rmarineau@ for more information.
As a member of the ASNG,
where would you like to delve more
deeply and expand your knowledge base? What areas need to be
explored more thoroughly? How
can NAILBA provide more handson learning to help you improve
your agency?
NAILBA is actively encouraging
the enrollment of new members
to the ASNG. The goal of this networking group is to provide leadership, management, and skill training to ensure the success of these
new agency leaders, while allowing them to build a network and
support group of other new leaders
to help them grow their agencies
in the years to come. Would you
benefit from becoming a contributing member of this group? Visit
the NAILBA website for the application and details.
Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of NAILBA Perspectives - September/October 2015
NAILBA Perspectives - September/October 2015
Chariman's Corner
CEO Insights
The Fine Art of Transition
NAILBA Charitable Foundation
Agency Successor Networking Group
Life Happens
Gearing up for NAILBA 34
NAILBA 34 Program Review
Calendar of Events
Index of Advertisers
NAILBA Perspectives - September/October 2015