NAILBA Perspectives - September/October 2015 - (Page 9)

ceo insights Perspectives is published for the National Association of Independent Life Brokerage Agencies 11325 Random Hills Road, Suite 110 Fairfax, VA 22030 (703) 383-3081 NAILBA BOARD OF DIRECTORS David Long Chairman George C. Van Dusen IV Chair-Elect James Sorebo Secretary/ Treasurer NAILBA's Future is in Your Hands Barbara Crowley Immediate Past Chairman Joseph Bosnack Brittany Cross Jason Lea, CFP Melinda S. Meyer Seixas Milner III Jeffrey D. Mooers Ben Nevejans Myra Palmer Thomas Riekse, Jr., ChFC, CEBS NAILBA EDITORIAL ADVISORY PANEL Scott Blumberg Michael Cohen, CLU Christi M. Daughenbaugh Sheri Leaders John McWilliams Jeffrey D. Mooers Lori Payne Laurie B. Prevette Thomas Riekse, Jr., ChFC, CEBS Michael Tessler NAILBA STAFF Jack Chiasson, CAE Chief Executive Officer Kathy Allison Director, Membership and the Foundation Susan D. Haning, CEM, CMP Director, Business Development Susan Klemmer Deputy Chief Executive Officer Rachel C. Marineau, CMP Manager, Meetings and Education Meredith Maslich Administrative Coordinator Sarah O'Hanley Manager, Exhibits, Sponsorships and Advertising John Tong Director, Administration and Operations Editor: Susan Klemmer Advertising: Susan D. Haning, CEM, CMP Design and Production: Blue House Creative Director: Elinor Van Dyck Designer: Katie Petty JACK CHIASSON, CAE NAILBA CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER W here does the time go these days? Seems like just a day or so ago that I was talking about the cold and snow, and now it is summer (at least it is as I write this!) I've told you before that summer is my favorite time of year, so I'll spare you all the reasons why this time around! This issue of Perspectives is all about the future of BGAs. I hear time and time again that the BGA of today is very different from the BGA of 10-or 20 or 30-years ago. I have heard plenty of reasons why this may be true. In the interest of full disclosure, however, I have heard a number of reasons why some folks disagree with this statement, too. While I'm usually pretty good at staying out of the cross-fire in discussions like this, this time I don't think I can-or should! In the 11 years that I have been at NAILBA, I have seen several member agencies disappear-for a wide variety of reasons, of course. Some were sold, some principals retired, and some just couldn't make a go of it any longer. It's this last group that concerns me most. What is it that's so different from years past that caused these early entrepreneurs in this business to be forced out? New products? New competitors? New (lower) comp from carriers? Technology? Changes in regulation? Fewer AGENTS to bring them cases? I'll venture a guess and say "yes." I truly think it is ALL of these things, or at least some combination of them. So why hasn't this happened to EVERY BGA member? Many of the agencies that I see (and hear about) that are thriving are doing so because they have adapted their business models to include new methods of distribution. Some have added a direct-to-consumer component, some have added new product lines, and some have completely changed who they market TO and solicit business FROM. I don't need to describe these to you-you must already be aware of them. The biggest thing that I hear now is there really isn't any such thing as a "traditional" BGA any longer. When NAILBA was created 30-plus years ago, most BGAs looked alike. That isn't true anymore. All of this brings me to the REAL point of this column. If YOU (our BGA members) aren't doing the same things that you were doing some number of years ago, how can NAILBA survive doing the same things IT was doing back then? NAILBA can truly only be as strong as the industry it represents, and if the industry is in a different position, then NAILBA must be as well. This is a question that your Board of Directors-and staff, of course-address each and every day. Are we aiming the organization in the direction that helps you continue to build your business? Are the partnerships that we develop with your interests in mind (with AALU for advocacy efforts, for example) of value to you-AND to your business? Is there something that NAILBA SHOULD be doing to help you and your businesses that we are not doing? Your leadership and staff struggle with this question on a regular basis. I hope you are aware that the primary purpose of the Board is to ensure that the needs of the membership are being met, and that the dues dollars you spend each year are being spent to provide those needs. In this space, I often ask for your help in making NAILBA a valuable part of your business. At this critical juncture in the history of NAILBA and its place in the industry, your help has never been more necessary. Please reach out to a Board member, to a staff member, or to me directly with your comments and suggestions. I know that there is an incredible wealth of knowledge and intelligence "out there in NAILBA-land;" won't you please share it with us? We all want to ensure that NAILBA remains a relevant part of the insurance industry, and only by sharing the information that you have can that happen. And finally, I look forward to seeing as many of you as possible at NAILBA 34, coming up in just a few short weeks in Orlando. It's MY favorite week of the year, and I hope that it is-or will become- yours, too! See you next time! 9

Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of NAILBA Perspectives - September/October 2015

NAILBA Perspectives - September/October 2015
Chariman's Corner
CEO Insights
The Fine Art of Transition
NAILBA Charitable Foundation
Agency Successor Networking Group
Life Happens
Gearing up for NAILBA 34
NAILBA 34 Program Review
Calendar of Events
Index of Advertisers

NAILBA Perspectives - September/October 2015