NAILBA Perspectives - July 2016 - 32
nailba's agency successor networking group
Building a
Successful Sales Organization
Have you been identified as the next
sitting principal of your agency?
The ASNG Planning Committee
works diligently to reach out to others
in the industry who have transition
experience and are willing to share
what they learned in the process.
Contact Annette Suriani, CMP,
NAILBA's Manager of Meetings
and Education, at 703.383.3069
or for more
information on the Agency
Successor Networking Group.
32 perspectives JULY 2016
AILBA and the Agency Successor Networking Group
(ASNG) are continually
looking at ways to provide members
with value-added benefits. If you
have considered applying for membership in the ASNG, consider the
benefits of participating in semimonthly conference calls with peers
who are in a similar career phase.
Here's a summary of the March ASNG
conference call on the topic of Building a Successful Sales Organization
(Both Internal and External). George
C. "Chip" Van Dusen IV, NAILBA 2016
Chairman and President of Minneapolis-based Diversified Brokerage
Services Inc., served as this topic's
featured guest speaker.
As Van Dusen noted, this group
is the future of our industry, and
as such, participation in these networking groups that are peer to
peer, is extremely important. With
that being said, he dove right into
the topic at hand.
Three Ways of Wholesaling:
■■ Sales Desk Approach: a little bit
of outbound but a lot of reactive;
■■ External Wholesaling: have a region or a group of producers reporting to them;
■■ External Retail: has become very
popular and they provide a point
of sales approach. It depends on
your distribution makeup. If you
have a number of relationships
with a wirehouse or casualty, you
might want to recruit someone
for the point of sales space.
Most agencies already have the
start of a sales force. Whether you
have one person or more calling on
producers, this is your sales team and
this is where your investment begins.
As with any investment, there is risk,
so you need to determine how much
risk you are willing to take. There
are certain steps you need to take to
build a world-class team:
1. Install performance standards.
Set goals that have benchmarks
where results are measurable.
For example, they can be a specific number of face-to-face
meetings, or actual phone conversations (not just calls).
2. Coach. Have team meetings. Be
transparent with everyone and
let the team see how others on
the team are doing. Bring in
outside speakers to present new
ideas or better approaches.
3. Don't settle for mediocre sales
performance. Always remember that if a person isn't meeting these goals at the end of 6
months, you have to sometimes
sever the relationship.
4. Know what each salesperson
wants. You want your salespeople to know everything about
the producers they are dealing with. How do they like to
be contacted? How often? You
should know what your salespeople want as well. What motivates
them? Is it salary + override?
Van Dusen noted that you must
also identify what your agency
needs to be successful long term.
If you want to bring in top-notch
sellers sometimes you have to use a
draw to bring someone in at a specific level. And if you're willing to
offer the draw, you need to be willing to forgive the draw.
So where do you find these people? Van Dusen suggested several
ways with the most important one
being referrals from the network
that your organization has created. Never be afraid to ask someone
if they know of anyone. He also said
that sometimes a recruiting agency
can assist you because they administer tests based on your needs to
help identify candidates.
A barrier to your sales force is
how to find the right candidate.
What are the personality traits that
make a good wholesaler? Will they
hold up your organization's values? This is where your investment
In closing, Van Dusen reminded
everyone that, "You can gain experience through your failures."
Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of NAILBA Perspectives - July 2016
NAILBA Perspectives - July 2016
Chairman’s Corner
CEO Insights
Mooers Award Nominations
Cyber Liability/Cyber Security
NAILBA 35 Program Preview
NAILBA Charitable Foundation
Life Happens
Member Profile
Agency Successor Networking Group
Calendar of Events
Brokerage in Motion
Index of Advertisers
NAILBA Perspectives - July 2016