TABLE OF CONTENTS 4 'A mobility evolution - again' 6 Unlocking blockchain's promise 8 10 12 14 Like the industry before the Model T, autos and technology are trying to find a new road to the future This data technology (think bitcoin) could help connect the connected-car ecosystem A moving target Owning ... renting ... sharing ... auto industry must rethink what the consumer of tomorrow will want Crosstalk at the crosswalk In an intersection intervention, Honda uses Ohio town as a test lab to improve safety Can a car hack it as a credit card? Hackathon looks for innovations that make driving safer, smarter ... and versatile Top 10 Startups Why do they matter? Because they break down barriers to find new ways to solve old problems Writer: Julie Liesse Designer: Denise Mai Manager, Content Studio: Katie Kieft Copy Editor: Bob Allen The news and editorial staffs of Automotive News had no role in the preparation of this content.