August 2018 * Vol. 74, No. 8 28 16 20 A peek into the past Georgia Archives preserves documents that tell the state's history. By Nancy Badertscher COURTESY THE VARSITY ELACHEE NATURE SCIENCE CENTER C O N T E N T S 20 D E PA R T M E N T S 5 MAILBOX 6 PICTURE THIS? 'What'll ya have?' The Varsity celebrates 90 years of good food and happy memories. By Amber Lanier Nagle 8 GEORGIA NEWS 10 CALENDAR OF EVENTS 14 CURRENTS Energy-saving solutions for transportation 24 AROUND GEORGIA Model railroaders find big fun in tiny trains 28 THE FACTS OF LIFE ... IN GEORGIA 16 DOC LAWRENCE PHIL SKINNER / PHILSKINNERPHOTOGRAPHY.COM 19 GEORGIA'S ENERGY OUTLOOK 30 Snake Day at Elachee Nature Science Center 29 MY GEORGIA Grandma Gertie's pickled peaches 30 GEORGIA COOKS Great honey recipes 34 SNAPSHOT Back to school MELISSA ELZY ON THE COVER: 4 10 More online at Steve Austin has been workin' on the (model) railroad for 50 years. His layout depicting a circa-1947 backwoods logging operation fills the basement of his home in Talking Rock. (Photo by Steve Austin.) GEORGIA MAGAZINEhttp://www.PHILSKINNERPHOTOGRAPHY.COM