September 2018 * Vol. 74, No. 9 C O N T E N T S Music The Music Issue 18 22 26 36 26 The 'King of Soul' still reigns HANNAH HORNSBY The 18 D E PA R T M E N T S 5 MAILBOX Singer Otis Redding's legacy lives on through his foundation. By Pamela A. Keene 6 PICTURE THIS? 8 GEORGIA NEWS Take a listen 10 CALENDAR OF EVENTS Eddie Owen knows that live music matters. By H.M. Cauley 16 CURRENTS The healing power of music The Songs For Kids Foundation supports children battling serious medical conditions. By Amber Lanier Nagle A joyful noise PHIL SKINNER / PHILSKINNERPHOTOGRAPHY.COM COURTESY SONGS FOR KIDS FOUNDATION Issue 32 GEORGIA'S ENERGY OUTLOOK 39 EMC SPOTLIGHT 40 AROUND GEORGIA Georgia amphitheaters offer music outdoors 22 Many stars in Christian music hail from Georgia. By H.M. Cauley 50 MY GEORGIA The damned Yankee 52 GEORGIA GARDENS Growing giant pumpkins 58 GEORGIA COOKS Southern ham recipes 62 SNAPSHOT COURTESY WORK LIGHT PRODUCTIONS Go fish! 10 4 MITCHIE TURPIN ON THE COVER: 36 More online at Best-known as the founder of Decatur music venue Eddie's Attic, Eddie Owen continues to cultivate and celebrate singer/songwriters' talent at his Red Clay Music Foundry in Duluth. (Photo by Phil Skinner/ GEORGIA MAGAZINEhttp://www.PHILSKINNERPHOTOGRAPHY.COM