MD Conference Express - EHRA 2015 - (Page Cover1)

EHRA EUROPACE-CARDIOSTIM 2015 IN REVIEW PEER-REVIEWED HIGHLIGHTS CARDIOLOGY & CARDIOVASCULAR MEDICINE OFFICIAL PEER-REVIEWED HIGHLIGHTS FROM 21-24 June Milan Italy a product of EUROPEAN SOCIETY OF CARDIOLOGY ® e-Cardiology ESC Working Group Cardiac Cellular Electrophysiology ESC Working Group This publication is supported by Daiichi Sankyo Europe GmbH in the form of an unrestricted educational grant. IN THIS ISSUE Atrial Fibrillation: Mechanisms to Improved Care Since the first electrocardiogram recording of atrial fibrillation (AF) in the late 1800s and early studies showing the link between AF and stroke, much has been learned about this condition. Gunter Breithardt, MD, Universitatsklinikum Munster, Munster, Germany, discussed how we are expanding our understanding of the influence of comorbid conditions on AF and how to use this understanding to improve patient care. See page 4. ALSO New Concepts for AF Management Clinical Trial Highlights Syncope Protocols Improve Diagnosis and Risk Stratification

Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of MD Conference Express - EHRA 2015


MD Conference Express - EHRA 2015