MD Conference Express - ESC Congress 2015 - Focus on Prevention - (Page Cover1)

ESC CONGRESS 2015 IN REVIEW FOCUS ON PREVENTION OFFICIAL PEER-REVIEWED HIGHLIGHTS FROM a product of IN THIS ISSUE The Global Challenge to Reduce Cardiovascular Disease by 25% by 2025 This publication is supported by Amgen The World Health Organization has endorsed a target to reduce deaths from noncommunicable diseases by 25% by the year 2025, and in conjunction with this, the World Heart Federation aims to achieve a 25% reduction in premature deaths from cardiovascular disease (CVD) by this date. The significant burden of CVD worldwide, as well as important goals and interventions that aim to achieve this target were discussed. See page 4. ALSO Advances in the Management of LDL-C Clinical Trial Highlights Beyond Statins in Treatment of Dyslipidemia

Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of MD Conference Express - ESC Congress 2015 - Focus on Prevention


MD Conference Express - ESC Congress 2015 - Focus on Prevention