Training Industry Quarterly - Summer 2012 - (Page 5)
In thIs Issue
T H o u G H T
From Where I Sit
By Doug Harward Leadership skills are always in demand. This issue, Doug outlines the three segments of the leadership training market. .......................................................................................... 3
l E A D E r S
Leadership 2.0
By Scott Blanchard and Ken Blanchard Leadership is not about you, it’s about serving others. Even servant leadership is a journey that starts with evaluating yourself. ....................................................................................... 13
At the Editor’s Desk
This issue’s guest editor, Derek Cunard of the American Heart Association, shares how successful leadership training creates healthy organizations. .................................................................. 7
Learning 2020
By lisa Bodell Individuals are predisposed to conformity, so it’s critical that leaders model positive behaviors to inspire and guide employees. .................................................................................... 15
By charles Jennings All learning is social in one way or another. Integrating social media with e-learning is a new way people can learn together. ........................................................................................ 9
Performance & Productivity
Tracking Trends
By Ken Taylor Leadership development is an ongoing initiative. First-time managers require an immersive training experience to fully develop and practice skills. ........................................................ 40
Emerging Technologies
By Dr. Gary Woodill Is there such a thing as too much information? In a content-heavy world, seeking information on-demand is one way to cope. ............................................................ 1 1
Closing Arguments
By Tim Sosbe Is leadership a skill that can be trained? The long-standing debate of nature versus nurture is still raging. ........................ 45
i n D E x
gp strategIes ................................................... 20 pearson ........................................................... 24 acclIvus r3 solutIons ..................................... 28 sumtotal systems............................................ 32 the ken blanchard companIes ....................... 36 raytheon proFessIonal servIces .................. 44 netdImensIons ................................................. 46
You’re just one click away from the industry’s leading suppliers.
XeroX .................................................................. 2 ecornell ............................................................ 6 Forum corporatIon .......................................... 8 top 20 traInIng outsourcIng companIes ...... 10 on24 ...................................................................12 top 20 sales traInIng companIes ....................14 the traInIng assocIates ................................. 16
Training Industry Quarterly, Summer 2012 / A Training Industry, Inc. ezine /
Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of Training Industry Quarterly - Summer 2012