TRAINING T A L K 5 WAYS TO ASSESS PERFORMANCE INDUSTRY PO What method of measuring learning impact post-training is most effective? 8% 11% 54% 1| GOAL SETTING Managers should regularly meet with employees to set goals and objectives they need to achieve. S 27% N=37 2| 360-DEGREE FEEDBACK Collect performance data from members of the team who work with the employee and share constructive feedback. 3| FORMAL ASSESSMENTS Provide tests and quizzes before, during and posttraining to assess the employee's level of knowledge and skills. Job/in-role observation Delayed assessment (knowledge retention) Observation in role play/simulation Immediate assessment What will be the core activity driving your professional development goals in 2017? 21% 30% 4| OBSERVATION Observe employees in their physical work environment or in a virtual lab environment to monitor and correct any negative behaviors. 23% 26% N=43 5| WORK QUALITY Evaluate the quality of work produced by the employee in terms of time and efficiency. Attend a conference Obtain a professional certification Participate in a formal instructor-led program/course Take courses from my company's learning library/corporate university T R A I N I N G I N DUSTR Y MA GAZ INE - MIND THE GAP 201 7 I WWW . T RAININGINDU S T RY . C OM/ MAGAZ I NE | 63