TRAINING T A L K 5 WAYS TO LEARN INDUSTRY PO What portion of your company's training is currently delivered online? 14% THROUGH EXPERIENCE 1 | STORYTELLING S 41% 22% Integrating stories into workplace conversation can increase engagement and retention. 23% N=184 0-25% 26-50% 51-75% 76-100% 2 | VIRTUAL REALITY Become immersed in a virtual reality game for a more engaging learning experience. 3 | SOCIAL LEARNING Learn from the behaviors and values of others during casual or work conversations. What are the most important attributes of a learning library? 10% 11% 4 | ON-THE-JOB TRAINING Benefit from in-themoment learning during everyday work tasks. 23% 56% 5 | SIMULATIONS Working through real-life scenarios in a no-risk virtual environment can increase behavior change. N=124 Quality of courses offered Accessible on any device Breadth of course catalog Quality of course authors T R A I N I N G I N DUSTR Y MA GAZ INE - EXPERIENTIAL LEARNING 20 1 7 I WWW. T RAI NINGINDU S T RY . C OM/ MAGAZ I NE | 69