G N I H E C V I A T O I ky C z U t i n T T N A I Grod E a e r R R G U N T E By A n d IS CO 30.50 Sales coaching is the key to sales success and improving the performance of the sales organization. It is the most important job a sales manager has. Here, we explore how sales and learning leaders can drive sustained performance and growth through a pervasive coaching culture. A team goal simply can't be achieved by one single sales manager. Yet, we often see sales managers making Herculean efforts and resorting to hero tactics to win deals for their team members. Many times, they are putting in the longest hours - more than their direct reports. They put themselves in front of the customer when the stakes are high. WHY COACH? Accelerate Learning. Regardless of whether you manage new sellers or seasoned veterans, the world is constantly changing. Customers are constantly changing. The competitive environment is constantly changing. Everyone needs ways to overcome challenges and reach success faster. 24.20 Achieve Behavior Change. Trying new skills and strategies can feel uncomfortable and risky. It's easy to slip back into old habits quickly. To achieve permanent behavior change, team members need ongoing, consistent support and feedback. Improve Results. All businesses face pressure to increase goals and to achieve more with less. By accelerating learning and affecting permanent behavior change, you position your team members to achieve and exceed goals. Most managers tend to focus on results. They focus on the numbers. Here's where there needs to be a shift in mindset. Coaching is not about numbers. Coaching is about learning and behavior change. If you accelerate learning and affect permanent behavior change, the numbers will come. T R A I N I N G I N DUSTR Y MA GAZ INE - TRAINING TOOLBOX 20 18 I WWW. T RAI NINGINDU S T RY . C OM/ MAGAZ I NE | 21https://www.trainingindustry.com/magazine