Pharmacy P E R S P E C T I V E S By the Numbers: The University of Colorado Skaggs School of Pharmacy will confer 199 degrees. Graduates include those who are receiving doctor of pharmacy degrees in both the entry level and distance degrees programs, and doctor of philosophy degrees in pharmaceutical sciences and toxicology. DOCTOR OF PHARMACY 194 DEGREES CONFERRED: 151 in the traditional entry level program, and 43 through the distance degree program. DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY 5 DEGREES CONFERRED: 1 - August 2017 4 - May 2018 In This Issue 2 9 5 10 8-9 12 Dr. Mom Life Experiences Shape Future Rapping His Way Through the Curriculum It's a Small World Full Circle PhD Student Counts His Blessings Written and edited by Dana Brandorff. Photos by Trevr Merchant and Dana Brandorff. Art direction and graphic design: G R A D U A T I O N 2 018 Armed with your PharmD or PhD you are on your way to your next adventure. Enjoy it. Learn more about your fellow classmates and their stories - where they've come from, what they've already accomplished and where they are going - in this special edition of Pharmacy Perspectives. The rapping pharmacist, SouLee PharmD (Lee Amaya) and his posse of P4s recreate the Beatles iconic Abbey Road album cover (from left to right: Joe Oropeza, Maya Robinson, Lee Amaya, and Marilyn Banh). G R A D UAT I O N 2 0 1 8