Antenna Systems & Technology - Spring 2012 - (Page 24)
New Black?, provides recent news in Wi-Fi, analysis of new standards such as 802.11ac and Wi-Fi Direct, analysis of low-power chipsets, and of monolithic, combo and embedded chipsets. According to a new technical market research report, Global Chipsets are forecast by type (monolithic, combo, embedded) and Markets and Technologies for Wireless Sensors from BCC Re- by standard (802.11a/bg, 802.11n, 802.11ac) with data provided search, the global market for wireless sensor devices was valued for the years 2010 through 2015. at $790 million in 2011 and is expected to increase to $4.7 billion in 2016, a five-year compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 43.1 percent. The global market for wireless sensor devices can be separated Wireless Redefining the Home Audio Market as We Know It into six segments: industrial installations, residential automation During the next five years, wireless connectivity to mobile and energy management, medicine, logistics and transport, ecol- devices and the Internet will redefine the mainstream products ogy and agriculture, and defense and surveillance. within the home audio market. Despite differences in capabiliIndustrial installations is the largest segment, comprising about ties, form factors, and usage scenarios, a variety of home audio half of the total market. Worth $369 million in 2011, the segment products will all increasingly incorporate wireless functionality is expected to increase at a CAGR of 46 percent to reach $2.4 bil- in order to play audio streamed from mobile devices, home netlion in 2016. works, and the Internet. The next largest segment is residential automation and energy In recent years the home audio industry has been challenged management, about a quarter of the total market. Worth $244 mil- to adapt to changing trends in consumers’ media consumption lion in 2011, the segment is expected to increase at a CAGR of habits and the proliferation of Internet-based streaming audio ser35.5 percent to reach $1.1 billion in 2016. vices. As a result, consumer home audio is rapidly evolving by The remaining segments make up the last quarter of the wireless integrating wireless connectivity into devices such as A/V receivsensor market, all of which are expected to increase at CAGRs of ers, soundbars, standalone speaker docks and home theater in a 45 percent to 46 percent. box (HTIB) systems. Wireless sensor devices connect sensors wirelessly among each The soundbar and speaker dock categories have seen growth other as well as to monitoring and management setups. While the because of consumers trending towards mobile devices, streamsensing principles are consistent with that of wireline sensors, ing services, and less-expensive intermediate audio solutions, wireless sensors have the challenge of operating with an attrac- driven by current economic conditions. This is in large part to tive form and with robust power management. address the lackluster audio of thin-bezel HDTVs. Though these This report will be valuable to many industry participants, in- same trends have challenged the market for traditional A/V recluding the following: wireless chipset makers, sensor original ceivers and HTIBs, the inclusion of wireless connectivity is exequipment manufacturers (OEMs), sensor end users and distribu- pected to aid both product categories going forward. tors, energy harvesting specialists, systems integrators, intellectuAccording to the IMS Research report, A/V Receivers and Adal property owners of sensing and energy harvesting technology, vanced Home Audio – 2012 Edition, in 2016 more than 60 million and financial institutions. audio devices will ship with WiFi and/or Bluetooth connectivity, including AV Receivers, speaker docks, HTIB systems, and soundbars. Indicative of trends taking place in the consumer marketplace, the majority of this volume will be driven by speaker Wi-Fi Chipset Revenue to Reach $6.1 Billion in 2015 The Wi-Fi chipset market continues to march forward at a brisk docks and soundbars. According to IMS Research, as wireless home networking pace as a growing number of consumer electronics are integrating Wi-Fi. As the demand for devices with Wi-Fi connectivity grows, increases along with consumer expectations of wireless connecand as prices for chipsets decrease, new markets for Wi-Fi are tivity in consumer electronics, the use of wireless streaming in opening in areas traditionally dominated by other wireless con- audio playback is expected to naturally rise on a complementary nectivity standards.According to new NPD In-Stat research, new basis. Though connectivity to mobile devices is expected to be a markets such as smart meters, wireless mice, automobiles, and major driver, the growing popularity of services such as Spotify, home automation will help drive sales of Wi-Fi chipsets to $6.1 Deezer, Pandora, iCloud, and Google Music drives the need for direct Internet connectivity in some of these home audio products billion in 2015. “As Wi-Fi appears in more and more devices the demand for as well. In the opinion of Paul Erickson, senior analyst at IMS Readditional bandwidth will grow along with it,” said Greg Potter, Analyst. “Granted, broadband speeds are not yet fully utilizing search, “With the move towards smartphone- and tablet-centric the available bandwidth allowed by Wi-Fi. However, newer use media consumption, and the proliferation of Internet-based music cases, such as streaming high-definition video from devices to the services, the home audio market is gradually adapting to meet the TV, necessitate an increase in bandwidth. New standards such as needs of consumers. We’re clearly headed for a future where various forms of wireless streaming will be cornerstones of the audio 802.11ac aim to provide that necessary speed increase.” New NPD In-Stat research, Wi-Fi Chipsets: Is 802.11ac the experience in the home.”
Global Market for Wireless Sensor Devices to Reach $4.7 Billion in 2016
Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of Antenna Systems & Technology - Spring 2012
Antenna Systems & Technology - Spring 2012
Editor’s Choice
Next-Gen Networks Call for the Re-Architecture of Antenna Systems
Wireless Infrastructure Cable and Antenna Testing Using the Next-Generation in Handheld Measurement Tools
Antenna Upgrade Challenges in Concealed Cell Towers
Wireless Communication
Test & Measurement
Industry News
Efficient Design and Analysis of an Ultra Wideband Planar Antenna with Band Rejection in WLAN Frequencies
Antenna Systems & Technology - Spring 2012