By Editorial Staff T AS THEY COME: The Return of Stable Value Funds here's danger in safety; " it's a clever and counterintuitive play on words, a cliché thrown about since 2008 that references the ongoing anxiety in the fixed-income space as it relates to interest rate risk. Investing 101 dictates that interest rates and bond prices move inversely, so after an equity exodus and flight to safety in the form of fixed-income, a portfolio's value could further erode by interest rates that have nowhere to go but up. Further confusing matters is the volatility in money market funds (you read that right). The once safe investing sanctuary ran into trouble when The Reserve Primary Fund broke the buck in September 2008. Concern continued in the aftermath of the economic crisis, culminating in SEC reform in July 2014 that includes liquidity fees and floating NAVs on certain types of money market investments. What's it all mean? Opportunity for like products, specifically stable value funds. What are stable value funds and why are they specifically effective in 401(k) plans? We asked some of the top stable value providers for help. ISSUE 1 2016 | 27