401(k) NEWS YOU CAN USE 401(k) Advisor Impact on Retirement Readiness is ... RETIREMENT PREPAREDNESS more than doubles when individuals and plan participants work with an advisor. Granted, they've got a pretty big dog in the hunt, but John Hancock's " 2015 Financial Stress Survey " finds that 28 percent of 401(k) savers who work with an advisor were saving the maximum allowed by law, versus 13 percent who do not. Overall, 70 percent of those who work with a financial advisor are on track or ahead in saving for retirement, versus 33 percent of those not working with an advisor. Companies Look to Keep Former Employees' 401(k) Assets IT'D BE NICE IF they'd make up their mind. First we're told portability is key, and to take your retirement savings when moving on from an employer. Now, however, said employers are doing all they can to retain the assets of their former employees. The reason? The sheer size of the baby boomer demographic has many worried their retirement will make it more difficult for plan sponsors to hit breakpoints and negotiate lower fees. The Wall Street Journal reports " companies from International Paper Co. to United Technologies Corp. are increasingly urging employees to keep their nest eggs in their corporate plans when they change jobs or retire. The shift is turning companies and their plan managers into big-and unexpected-competitors for the business of overseeing retirees' money. " According to the paper, the change is being driven by the shifting economics of retirement as baby boomers wrap up their working lives. ONLINE EXTRA ISSUE 1 2016 | 401kSpecialistmag.com 9http://www.401kSpecialistmag.com