The Data and Measurement Issue - 13

Displaying relevant data by use case
When designing Delta's dashboard solutions, we applied three key principles: simplify, visualize, and personalize. Using these strategies helped us create a user
experience that made it easy to access use case-specific information quickly and efficiently, while also allowing users to filter or modify their views and search
results based on a specific issue or focus area.
Simplify. The goal is to convey information in clear,
easy-to-understand, digestible chunks. Focus on the
most important pieces. Show what needs to be seen
first. Do not fall into the trap of trying to squeeze
everything on the visible screen area. Move from
the general to the more detailed. Once the most
important (or top level) information is surfaced, allow
users to dig deeper and drill down to the details.
Visualize. A picture is worth a thousand words.
Intentionally use color coding that is accessible
for people with color blindness to help draw the
eye to the most important information. Highlight
the " big picture " or overall results using large font
and diagrams. Apply consistent standards for page
organization so that no matter which dashboard
the user is viewing, they can always see the same
type of information in the same areas of the page.
Personalize. Users need to access the information
they need in the shortest time possible. Identify
unique use cases-the different ways that users
need to see the data in their distinct roles. Build
personas around each use case. Design personaspecific
dashboards showing different views of
the same data to surface relevant information
based on real needs. Apply multiple filters to
allow users to focus on specific information.
Rolling out the solution
We introduced the pilot training dashboard solution through a carefully crafted adoption plan. The dashboards were first shared during the kickoff meeting at
the start of Delta's recurring training design process where all key stakeholders and designers were present. Using the dashboards, the team demonstrated
the results of the previous nine-month training cycle and its impact on learners, training results, and business performance. The dashboards surfaced practical
insights with immediate applicability for how to move forward with training design for the upcoming training cycle. We answered questions about the data and
the dashboard itself. Each stakeholder also received access to a persona-specific dashboard so they could discover and explore the tool on their own.
In the following weeks, each " persona group " (users with the same dashboard view) received basic data literacy training plus targeted dashboard
user training on how to use the tool, access different views, and filter results to dig deeper. Time was carved out for step-by-step practice of the
most common daily uses for researching data and insights, answering questions along the way. We also provided a detailed user guide for
reference and set up a support line to address questions and issues.
The reception of the solution was extremely positive and was promoted by top executives across the Flight Operations training organization,
and it's still being used by the organization today. With the number of role-based users continuing to expand, the training team continues to
add new personas for the dashboard. Building these persona-based pilot training dashboards provided an exciting opportunity for both Delta
and TiER1 to solve for the problems of data saturation. By bringing together people and translating complex data into easily consumable
and meaningful insights, Delta's pilot training data is useful and accessible anywhere, anytime for the benefit of the business.

The Data and Measurement Issue

Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of The Data and Measurement Issue

The Data and Measurement Issue - 1
The Data and Measurement Issue - 2
The Data and Measurement Issue - 3
The Data and Measurement Issue - 4
The Data and Measurement Issue - 5
The Data and Measurement Issue - 6
The Data and Measurement Issue - 7
The Data and Measurement Issue - 8
The Data and Measurement Issue - 9
The Data and Measurement Issue - 10
The Data and Measurement Issue - 11
The Data and Measurement Issue - 12
The Data and Measurement Issue - 13
The Data and Measurement Issue - 14
The Data and Measurement Issue - 15
The Data and Measurement Issue - 16
The Data and Measurement Issue - 17
The Data and Measurement Issue - 18
The Data and Measurement Issue - 19
The Data and Measurement Issue - 20
The Data and Measurement Issue - 21
The Data and Measurement Issue - 22
The Data and Measurement Issue - 23
The Data and Measurement Issue - 24
The Data and Measurement Issue - 25
The Data and Measurement Issue - 26
The Data and Measurement Issue - 27
The Data and Measurement Issue - 28
The Data and Measurement Issue - 29
The Data and Measurement Issue - 30
The Data and Measurement Issue - 31
The Data and Measurement Issue - 32