The Modern Leadership Issue - 18

3 Activate culture through leaders
Aligning the modern leader to be a good
EX steward is essential, yet aligning on
the desired experience is not the same as
enabling leaders to create it. According to
Gallup, 70 percent of the variance in team
engagement is determined solely by the
To reduce this engagement
variance and amp up leader commitment,
Avēsis focused on three areas to better
enable these cultural stewards:
1. Caring for the well-being of leaders.
2. Communicating the leader's role
as EX stewards.
3. Upskilling leaders to care for
their team.
Leaders are employees too, and their need
for clarity, connection, and care is just as
essential. To kick off the culture activation,
leaders received a self-care package
containing a self-care guide, cards to
inspire self-care, and other materials that
encouraged overall wellness. As leaders
take the time to care for themselves, they
can focus on the well-being of their team,
especially in the remote work environment.
As reported by SHRM, we're seeing a rise
in work loneliness globally.2
has also impacted connectivity and a
sense of belonging at Avēsis; teams work
remotely and are dispersed throughout
the U.S. To launch the experience journey
for leaders, 100 leaders came together in
Nashville, Tennessee, for Connect 2023,
a leadership summit that brought the
Avēsis culture to life. In a post-summit
survey, 96% of respondents rated their
experience highly positive-and 87% felt
ready to begin applying what they learned.
1 How Influential Is a Good Manager?, Austin Suellentrop and E.Beth Bauman, 2021
2 Employees Around the Globe Feel Lonely, Crave a Sense of Belonging, Kathy Gurchiek, 2022
Connect 2023 Objectives:
» Leaders can build strong relationships by practicing curiosity, providing
clarity, and creating space for connection.
» Leaders can describe Avēsis's strategic priorities and feel energized
about their role and purpose.
» Leaders can ignite a culture where they're living the values and the EX
promise is evident.
" Engaging with other leaders on a
personal level was effective and
helpful to build future relationships. "

The Modern Leadership Issue

Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of The Modern Leadership Issue

The Modern Leadership Issue - 1
The Modern Leadership Issue - 2
The Modern Leadership Issue - 3
The Modern Leadership Issue - 4
The Modern Leadership Issue - 5
The Modern Leadership Issue - 6
The Modern Leadership Issue - 7
The Modern Leadership Issue - 8
The Modern Leadership Issue - 9
The Modern Leadership Issue - 10
The Modern Leadership Issue - 11
The Modern Leadership Issue - 12
The Modern Leadership Issue - 13
The Modern Leadership Issue - 14
The Modern Leadership Issue - 15
The Modern Leadership Issue - 16
The Modern Leadership Issue - 17
The Modern Leadership Issue - 18
The Modern Leadership Issue - 19
The Modern Leadership Issue - 20
The Modern Leadership Issue - 21
The Modern Leadership Issue - 22
The Modern Leadership Issue - 23
The Modern Leadership Issue - 24
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