Performance Matters - Digital Experiences - 24
The number of
channels vying for our
attention is at an alltime
high, yet achieving
and protecting flow
is so important.
As a technology strategist and leader of TiER1's Microsoft 365 work, I love
data. So, when I set aside two hours of focus time to write this article, and
yet couldn't get to writing it until over the weekend, I reviewed the data to
see why I had come up short. During that " focus time, " I received 10
emails, three Teams messages, two Teams @ mentions, one attempted
Teams phone call, two text messages, 10 Google Chat messages, and
two alerts that my grocery orders were ready for pickup.
Sound familiar? It should. Countless studies have shown that
workplace interruptions can account for 6+ hours of lost productivity
every day. Research by Gloria Mark, PhD (University of California, Irvine)
indicates that employees work faster to complete tasks at the cost of their
mental well-being. As Paul Hemp of the Harvard Business Review writes,
" [this] can adversely affect not only personal well-being but also decision
making, innovation, and productivity. "
The number of channels vying for our attention is at an all-time high, yet
achieving and protecting flow is so important. When a person is in flow,
they reach maximum creativity and productivity levels. Their well-being
also improves. However, when we are out of a flow state, returning to flow
has many hurdles...
- Stephanie Roberto,
Senior Solutions Technology Consultant, TiER1 Performance
Turn to page 26 for insights from Stephanie on how to prioritize
the flow of work within your organization and teams.
In a Digital World
Performance Matters - Digital Experiences
Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of Performance Matters - Digital Experiences
Performance Matters - Digital Experiences
Who Owns the Digital Employee Experience?
Assessing the Digital Employee Experience
Accessibility & Inclusion for the Digital Workforce
Virtualizing Innovation Learning
UX & Change: The Perfect Partnership
Assessing Readiness for Digital Transformation
Navigating the Debate for Events
Finding Your Focus in a Digital World
The Flow of Work
The Science of Deep Work, Online
Performance Matters - Digital Experiences - Performance Matters - Digital Experiences
Performance Matters - Digital Experiences - 2
Performance Matters - Digital Experiences - 3
Performance Matters - Digital Experiences - Who Owns the Digital Employee Experience?
Performance Matters - Digital Experiences - 5
Performance Matters - Digital Experiences - 6
Performance Matters - Digital Experiences - 7
Performance Matters - Digital Experiences - Assessing the Digital Employee Experience
Performance Matters - Digital Experiences - 9
Performance Matters - Digital Experiences - 10
Performance Matters - Digital Experiences - Accessibility & Inclusion for the Digital Workforce
Performance Matters - Digital Experiences - 12
Performance Matters - Digital Experiences - Page 13
Performance Matters - Digital Experiences - Virtualizing Innovation Learning
Performance Matters - Digital Experiences - 15
Performance Matters - Digital Experiences - UX & Change: The Perfect Partnership
Performance Matters - Digital Experiences - 17
Performance Matters - Digital Experiences - Assessing Readiness for Digital Transformation
Performance Matters - Digital Experiences - 19
Performance Matters - Digital Experiences - 20
Performance Matters - Digital Experiences - Navigating the Debate for Events
Performance Matters - Digital Experiences - 22
Performance Matters - Digital Experiences - 23
Performance Matters - Digital Experiences - Finding Your Focus in a Digital World
Performance Matters - Digital Experiences - 25
Performance Matters - Digital Experiences - The Flow of Work
Performance Matters - Digital Experiences - 27
Performance Matters - Digital Experiences - 28
Performance Matters - Digital Experiences - The Science of Deep Work, Online
Performance Matters - Digital Experiences - 30
Performance Matters - Digital Experiences - 31
Performance Matters - Digital Experiences - 32