Performance Matters - Digital Experiences - 28
As an organization:
» Use anonymized data to better understand needs
(e.g., overtime or late hours worked) using tools such
as Microsoft Workplace Analytics.
» Automate time-consuming, repetitive tasks. To
leverage effective artificial intelligence to catalog and
organize content, consider Microsoft Cortex
» Provide flexible schedules where possible and offer
high levels of autonomy and trust. If you establish
the rhythms outlined in this article, then
accountability, collaboration, and creativity will not
need to be forced.
» Consolidate corporate communications to one or few
channels. Keep communications clear and deliver
» Build robust, user-friendly virtual collaboration spaces
and systems. Create physical spaces where one can
focus without disruption.
Modeling desirable behavior should
extend all the way up through the
organization. Take advantage of data
analytic tools like Microsoft's Workplace
Analytics as well as comprehensive
survey tools to understand employee
well-being. (Go to page 8 to learn
more about assessing the digital
employee experience.) An organization
that does not create space for
individuals to set personal boundaries
won't benefit from an enthusiastic and
engaged workforce, and risks increased
turnover or worse-apathy.
Also, consider both the number or
frequency of initiatives, communications,
and tools delivered to employees, as
well as the effectiveness of those
efforts. Can anything be consolidated or
eliminated? Steps toward reducing noise
can go a long way.
about the author
Stephanie Roberto is a Senior
Solutions Technology Consultant
at TiER1 Performance. She is
passionate about combining
technology and visual design
to deliver innovative and
engaging experiences to end
users. She loves being creative
and guiding clients through the
creation of technical solutions.
There are many opportunities to cultivate the flow of work
within your organization. Providing clarity, space, and freedom
for employees to embrace asynchronous collaboration and
respect the needs of others takes careful investigation of
current work practices and environment. With the right
intentions, tools, and resilience, you'll create a future where
your people and organization benefit from the creative energy
that you'll bring to life.
Want to learn more about the psychological and physiological factors at play
in achieving flow and engaging in deep work online? Go to the next page.
Performance Matters - Digital Experiences
Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of Performance Matters - Digital Experiences
Performance Matters - Digital Experiences
Who Owns the Digital Employee Experience?
Assessing the Digital Employee Experience
Accessibility & Inclusion for the Digital Workforce
Virtualizing Innovation Learning
UX & Change: The Perfect Partnership
Assessing Readiness for Digital Transformation
Navigating the Debate for Events
Finding Your Focus in a Digital World
The Flow of Work
The Science of Deep Work, Online
Performance Matters - Digital Experiences - Performance Matters - Digital Experiences
Performance Matters - Digital Experiences - 2
Performance Matters - Digital Experiences - 3
Performance Matters - Digital Experiences - Who Owns the Digital Employee Experience?
Performance Matters - Digital Experiences - 5
Performance Matters - Digital Experiences - 6
Performance Matters - Digital Experiences - 7
Performance Matters - Digital Experiences - Assessing the Digital Employee Experience
Performance Matters - Digital Experiences - 9
Performance Matters - Digital Experiences - 10
Performance Matters - Digital Experiences - Accessibility & Inclusion for the Digital Workforce
Performance Matters - Digital Experiences - 12
Performance Matters - Digital Experiences - Page 13
Performance Matters - Digital Experiences - Virtualizing Innovation Learning
Performance Matters - Digital Experiences - 15
Performance Matters - Digital Experiences - UX & Change: The Perfect Partnership
Performance Matters - Digital Experiences - 17
Performance Matters - Digital Experiences - Assessing Readiness for Digital Transformation
Performance Matters - Digital Experiences - 19
Performance Matters - Digital Experiences - 20
Performance Matters - Digital Experiences - Navigating the Debate for Events
Performance Matters - Digital Experiences - 22
Performance Matters - Digital Experiences - 23
Performance Matters - Digital Experiences - Finding Your Focus in a Digital World
Performance Matters - Digital Experiences - 25
Performance Matters - Digital Experiences - The Flow of Work
Performance Matters - Digital Experiences - 27
Performance Matters - Digital Experiences - 28
Performance Matters - Digital Experiences - The Science of Deep Work, Online
Performance Matters - Digital Experiences - 30
Performance Matters - Digital Experiences - 31
Performance Matters - Digital Experiences - 32