Repères - N°48 / March 2021 - The IRSN magazine - 18

© Philippe Dureuil/IRSN Media Library

© Philippe Dureuil/IRSN Media Library


Following a nuclear accident, people
may have ingested or inhaled
radioelements. Whole body counting
measures internal contamination.

An IRSN Emergency Response Officer reassures a person and collects
information while screening for internal contamination with X- and
gamma-emitting radionuclides.

Population protection

What progress has been made
in ten years?
Preventive iodine intake, health monitoring... Radiation protection measures in the event
of a nuclear accident are implemented since 2011. In addition, one major recommendation
for health surveillance is that national cancer registries be maintained for all categories
of the population.


reventive intake of stable iodine, in
the form of potassium iodine (KI), is
one of the population protection strategies used during the emergency phase of
a nuclear threat or accident with releases.
By saturating the thyroid with stable
iodine, this countermeasure prevents the
gland from uptake and fixation of radioactive iodine, and limits the occurrence
of thyroid cancer.
Its implementation in France has been
recommended since 1997. As soon as there
is an alert, an adult should take two 65 mg
tablets. Intake may be repeated once if
exposure exceeds 24 hours. The dosage for
children is adapted according to their age.
Fukushima Daiichi showed that this measure is insufficient for people awaiting evacuation or who cannot be evacuated in the
event of prolonged or repeated releases. In
2014, the Institute initiated the PRIODAC1
project, funded by the French Investments
for the Future Program (PIA). " We needed
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to find a KI dosage allowing repeated intake
and verify its effectiveness and safety, "
explained Marc Benderitter who specializes
in radiopathology. He has been in charge
of this major project, which includes preclinical studies of pharmacokinetics, therapeutic effectiveness, and toxicology.
Rat pups model newborns, while female
rats in gestation represent pregnant women,
and young, adult, and aged rats cover the
rest of the population. Preclinical regulatory toxicology studies complete the program. PRIODAC aims to change the KI
dosage for repeated intake by all categories
of the population and to modify the marketing authorization by 2022.

Questioning screening practices

How can the risk of thyroid cancer be
assessed in the event of releases? Japan
opted for systematic screening. " The World
Health Organization (WHO) now advises
against this type of monitoring,2 " reported

Dominique Laurier, expert in the biological
effects of radiation. This recommendation
follows on from long-term feedback.
After the Chernobyl accident, studies
showed an increase in thyroid cancer, especially in young people exposed to releases.
In 2011, Japan wanted to reassure its population. Without precise estimates of the
extent of the accident, that summer it
launched a vast screening campaign using
ultrasound scanning, a very sensitive technique. Three hundred thousand boys and
girls were screened. The fifth screening
campaign is currently underway. What
are the results? For every thyroid nodule
discovered, a biopsy is taken. In case of
malignancy, the gland is either fully or
partially removed. In ten years, two hundred surgical procedures have been carried
out. Is this world record due to the accident
or a result of this uncommon strategy of
operating even before symptoms appear,
criticized more and more? " This screening


Repères - N°48 / March 2021 - The IRSN magazine

Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of Repères - N°48 / March 2021 - The IRSN magazine

JAPAN 2011 - The accident at Fukushima Daiichi: What happened?
JAPAN 2021 - Ten years later: What is the state of affairs?
SAFETY - Extreme risks: Enhanced protection nuclear facilities
Station blackout diesel generator: Assessments made during design
Severe accidents: Ultimate heat sink performance
Tricastin nuclear power plant: Dike reinforcements follow assessment
Research: Innovative materials
EMERGENCY - Emergency management and recovery: Defining new zoning
HEALTH - Population protection: What progress has been made in ten years?
ENVIRONMENT - Environmental contamination: Models are progressing
IRSN - 2011-2021: IRSN’s actions
Repères - N°48 / March 2021 - The IRSN magazine - Cover
Repères - N°48 / March 2021 - The IRSN magazine - Contents
Repères - N°48 / March 2021 - The IRSN magazine - Editorial
Repères - N°48 / March 2021 - The IRSN magazine - JAPAN 2011 - The accident at Fukushima Daiichi: What happened?
Repères - N°48 / March 2021 - The IRSN magazine - 5
Repères - N°48 / March 2021 - The IRSN magazine - JAPAN 2021 - Ten years later: What is the state of affairs?
Repères - N°48 / March 2021 - The IRSN magazine - 7
Repères - N°48 / March 2021 - The IRSN magazine - SAFETY - Extreme risks: Enhanced protection nuclear facilities
Repères - N°48 / March 2021 - The IRSN magazine - 9
Repères - N°48 / March 2021 - The IRSN magazine - Station blackout diesel generator: Assessments made during design
Repères - N°48 / March 2021 - The IRSN magazine - Tricastin nuclear power plant: Dike reinforcements follow assessment
Repères - N°48 / March 2021 - The IRSN magazine - 12
Repères - N°48 / March 2021 - The IRSN magazine - Research: Innovative materials
Repères - N°48 / March 2021 - The IRSN magazine - EMERGENCY - Emergency management and recovery: Defining new zoning
Repères - N°48 / March 2021 - The IRSN magazine - 15
Repères - N°48 / March 2021 - The IRSN magazine - 16
Repères - N°48 / March 2021 - The IRSN magazine - 17
Repères - N°48 / March 2021 - The IRSN magazine - HEALTH - Population protection: What progress has been made in ten years?
Repères - N°48 / March 2021 - The IRSN magazine - 19
Repères - N°48 / March 2021 - The IRSN magazine - ENVIRONMENT - Environmental contamination: Models are progressing
Repères - N°48 / March 2021 - The IRSN magazine - 21
Repères - N°48 / March 2021 - The IRSN magazine - IRSN - 2011-2021: IRSN’s actions
Repères - N°48 / March 2021 - The IRSN magazine - 23
Repères - N°48 / March 2021 - The IRSN magazine - 24