Welcome to Duplicate - 10

Skip Bid Warning
Another duplicate practice is the "skip
bid warning," which is used whenever
a player jumps a level in the bidding.
For example, you open a weak 2♥. Say
"Skip bid, please wait," before you make
your call, or use the red Stop card in the
bidding box. This allows your left-hand
opponent to recover from the surprise of
your jump and an opportunity to rethink
a level higher. The warning obligates him
to hesitate 10 seconds, minimizing any
information that might be transmitted by
an immediate call.

Keeping a Private Score
Duplicate is scored like
Chicago or party bridge.
If your side makes a
contract, you receive
your trick score, plus a
bonus of 50 points if you
bid and make a partscore, 300 points
if you bid and make a non-vulnerable
game, or 500 points if you bid and make
a vulnerable game. Each deal stands
alone and has no effect on any following
or previous deal. If you don't know the
score of a particular contract, just look
on the back of the cards in the bidding
On the back of a convention card
you'll find a private score card, which
indicate board numbers and vulnerability
and includes space for you to note the
contract and result of the deal. There is
also space to jot down your matchpoints
for each board when you've finished
playing. If your club uses computer
scoring, the director may be able to print
out individual recaps following the game.


Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of Welcome to Duplicate

Welcome to Duplicate - 1
Welcome to Duplicate - 2
Welcome to Duplicate - 3
Welcome to Duplicate - 4
Welcome to Duplicate - 5
Welcome to Duplicate - 6
Welcome to Duplicate - 7
Welcome to Duplicate - 8
Welcome to Duplicate - 9
Welcome to Duplicate - 10
Welcome to Duplicate - 11
Welcome to Duplicate - 12
Welcome to Duplicate - 13
Welcome to Duplicate - 14
Welcome to Duplicate - 15
Welcome to Duplicate - 16
Welcome to Duplicate - 17
Welcome to Duplicate - 18
Welcome to Duplicate - 19
Welcome to Duplicate - 20