A to Z Guide - 18
together before the result has
been agreed to.
Making a questionable claim or
Prolonging the play
Exciting World of Bridge
See " Welcome to the World of
Duplicate "
Explanation of any call or play
During the auction and before the final
pass, any player may, at that player's
turn to call, ask for a full explanation of
any call made by an opponent. After the
final pass and throughout the play, any
player except dummy may, at that
player's own turn to play, ask for an
explanation of opposing calls or card
play conventions. It is better to ask a
question in general terms, rather than
call attention to one particular suit and
so expose oneself to the suggestion that
the question may be lead-directing.
E-Z Deal Cards
E-Z Deal cards are decks of cards which
have been coded to allow a foursome to
create a special deal without seeing the
faces of the cards. All of the ACBL's
Bridge Series texts and " Play " courses
have coordinated E-Z Deal cards.
Face-down leads
Face-down opening leads are required in
tournament play. Once the lead is made
face down, partner may ask questions
about the auction. This ensures that the
partner of the leader will not influence
the opening leader's choice of lead. A
face-down opening lead made by the
wrong player may be picked up without
penalty upon instruction of the director.
The process of adjusting matchpoint
scores to the same base to make them
comparable for ranking purposes is
known as factoring.
Federacion Mexicana de Bridge
(Mexican Bridge Federation)
Although Mexico is part of the ACBL,
Mexico has its own national bridge
organization (NBO) known as the
Mexican Bridge Federation (MBF). The
MBF manages its own representation in
world championship events.
All of the contestants entered in an
event when discussed as a whole are
known as the field.
Five-Card Majors
A bidding method in which an opening
bid of 1♥ or 1♠ guarantees at least a fivecard
suit is known as five-card majors.
A to Z Guide
Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of A to Z Guide
A to Z Guide - 1
A to Z Guide - 2
A to Z Guide - 3
A to Z Guide - 4
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