A to Z Guide - 19
In a flighted event, contestants compete
only against other pairs/teams within
the same point range. For example, if
Flight C is 0-200 masterpoints, no
player with more than 200 masterpoints
may be included in the group. A player
may always play up in flighted events
(e.g., a Flight B player could elect to
enter Flight A), if the player wishes. The
higher the flight, the more difficult the
competition and the more masterpoints
awarded to the winners.
In bridge, force has two meanings:
1. Noun: Any bid or call making it
incumbent upon the bidder's
partner to bid at least once more.
2. Verb: To cause a player to use a
high card or a trump.
Foundation for the Preservation
and Advancement of Bridge
This foundation was created to foster an
appreciation of the historical
development of the game of contract
bridge and its impact on our culture by
celebrating the history, honoring the
champions, inspiring youth and
preserving the legacy of the sport of
bridge. For more information, email
Fouled board
A deal in which a card or cards or hands
have been placed in an incorrect pocket
constitutes a fouled board. Since the
nature of duplicate is to play the exact
same deals at each table and then
compare results, a deal that changes
during the course of play can no longer
be compared and must be scored by a
formula known as the fouled board
Game in bridge is a level of bidding (the
four level in the majors, the five level in
the minors, the three level in notrump)
which, when bid and made, awards 100
points or more in trick score and a 400point
bonus nonvulnerable, 600
George Burns Trophy
This trophy, inaugurated in 1993, is
given annually to the ACBL Senior
Player of the Year. It is named for
George Burns, famous comedian, who
played bridge daily at his country club
into his late 90s.
Gerber convention
A bid of 4♣ over a notrump opening or
natural bid which asks partner how
many aces are held. The convention was
created by ACBL Hall of Fame member
John Gerber.
Gold Life Master
An ACBL Life Master who has acquired
at least 2500 masterpoints (at least 500
silver, red, gold or platinum) has
achieved the rank of Gold Life Master.
A to Z Guide
Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of A to Z Guide
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A to Z Guide - 3
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