A to Z Guide - 20

Gold points
Grand slam
Gold points are a type of masterpoint.
They are awarded for topping your
section or placing overall at regionals
and NABCs in events of two or more
sessions which have either no
masterpoint restriction or a minimum
masterpoint limit of 750 points or more.
Partial gold point awards are given for
certain special events.
Golden Age Master
A special category was set up by the
ACBL to recognize the achievements of
older members. There are two ways to
qualify to become a Golden Age Master:
1. 70 years of age with 300 points of
any color.
2. 80 years of age with 100 points of
any color.
Grand Life Master
The highest rank in the ACBL is Grand
Life Master. To achieve this rank, a
player must have earned 10,000
masterpoints and won at least one
NABC+ event with no upper
masterpoint limit.
Grand National Teams (GNT)
The Grand National Teams (GNT) is a
major ACBL team championship
conducted with district qualifying
rounds in clubs, units and/or districts,
leading to a final round held in
conjunction with the Summer NABC.
A grand slam awards a bonus (1000
points nonvulnerable, 1500 points
vulnerable) for fulfilling a contract at the
seven level in any strain
A printed card used in duplicate bridge
to give the progression of the players
and the boards is called a guidecard.
There are table guidecards and
individual guidecards.
A hand constitutes the cards held by one
player. The term is also used to indicate
the order in bidding and playing
rotation, as in " second hand " or " fourth
hand. "
Hand records
Hand Records refers to three things in
1. The sheets distributed to the
players at the conclusion of a
game on which all of the deals
from that session are printed.
2. The sheets on which individual
computer-generated deals are
printed for distribution to
players, who usually construct the
deals for other contestants to
3. Diagrams set up by the players
after a deal in a major match is

A to Z Guide

Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of A to Z Guide

A to Z Guide - 1
A to Z Guide - 2
A to Z Guide - 3
A to Z Guide - 4
A to Z Guide - 5
A to Z Guide - 6
A to Z Guide - 7
A to Z Guide - 8
A to Z Guide - 9
A to Z Guide - 10
A to Z Guide - 11
A to Z Guide - 12
A to Z Guide - 13
A to Z Guide - 14
A to Z Guide - 15
A to Z Guide - 16
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A to Z Guide - 18
A to Z Guide - 19
A to Z Guide - 20
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