A to Z Guide - 27

Masterpoint Records
Masterpoints won at tournaments and
at clubs using ACBLscore are sent
electronically to ACBL. Other clubs mail
in lists of players and points won for
recording. Non-members are given
receipts at club games when they win
points and can credit their accounts with
up to 20 masterpoints (won in the 12
months prior to becoming members)
when they join the ACBL. Members can
check their masterpoint holding by
calling the Customer Service Line or
online by logging into their MyACBL at
www.acbl.org. Members also receive a
personalized masterpoint update each
month in the Bridge Bulletin.
A matchpoint is a unit used in a method
of scoring duplicate contests in which
two or more scores are compared. A pair
receives one point for each result it bests
and one-half point for each result it ties.
McConnell Cup
Named in honor of Ruth McConnell,
former ACBL president and WBF
treasurer, The McConnell Cup is
awarded to the winners of a knockout
team event for women played at the
World Bridge Championships at the
same time the Rosenblum Cup is
Mentoring Programs
Mentoring programs provide an
opportunity for both newcomers and
mentors to meet and get to know each
other on a basis other than as opponents
at the table. Many clubs and units use a
Pro-Am game format to launch their
mentoring programs. Partnerships are
made by a program coordinator and the
pairs are encouraged to play a
recommended minimum number of
times during the month. For more
information visit:
Michaels cuebid
The Michaels cuebid is a convention that
uses an immediate cuebid in the RHO's
suit to show a two-suited hand with
either both majors or a major and a
minor. It was devised by the late Mike
Mini-Blue Ribbon Pairs
To participate in this special NABC
event, players must have a Blue Ribbon
Pairs qualification (See Kaplan Blue
Ribbon Pairs) and less than 5000
MiniBridge is a simplified form of the
game that has no bidding. Originally
developed in France, MiniBridge is
widely used as a precursor to learning
bridge for all ages. It is both effective
and enjoyable. Many school bridge
programs in North America use the form
of MiniBridge developed by the English
Bridge Union (EBU). A MiniBridge
packet (teacher manual and practice
disk) can be purchased from the EBU at
http://web2.acbl.org/documentlibrary/units/UnitMentoringProgram.pdf http://web2.acbl.org/documentlibrary/units/UnitMentoringProgram.pdf http://www.acbl.org/ http://www.ebu.co.uk/education/minibridge/

A to Z Guide

Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of A to Z Guide

A to Z Guide - 1
A to Z Guide - 2
A to Z Guide - 3
A to Z Guide - 4
A to Z Guide - 5
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