A to Z Guide - 34

It is a breach of the Proprieties to:
is sometimes referred to as pumping the
 Use different designations for the
same call.
 Indicate any approval or
disapproval of a call or play.
 Indicate the expectation or
intention of winning or losing a
trick before play to that trick has
been completed.
 Comment or act during the
auction or play to call attention to
a significant incident thereof, or
to the state of the score, or to the
number of tricks that will be
required for success.
 Look intently at any other player
during the auction or play, or at
another player's hand, for the
purpose of seeing those cards or
observing the place from which a
player draws a card.
 Vary the normal tempo of bidding
or play for the purpose of
disconcerting the other players.
Qualifying sessions (or rounds)
A protest in bridge is an appeal of a
decision made by a game director.
Psychic Bidding
Psychic bidding is a term coined in 1931
by Dorothy Rice Sims, which describes
any bid that is a deliberate and gross
misstatement of honor strength or suit
length. These bids are bluffs.
The word " pump " is a colloquialism for
" tap " or " force. " Forcing declarer to ruff
The early rounds of championships after
which there is a reduction (cut) in the
field (the contestants entered in the
event) are the qualifying rounds.
A player's right-hand opponent is often
referred to by RHO.
The most popular use of the term " push "
in bridge is to denote a deal in a team
match on which the result is the same at
both tables.
A contraction of " queen " and " jack " used
to indicate (1) either the queen or the
jack in situations where it is of no
consequence which of the two cards is
held or played in the context of a
decision involving the theory of
" restricted choice, " (2) the two cards
together in the context of hand
evaluation: Possession of " quacks "
usually means the hand holding one or
more of the combinations is not as good
as the high-card point count might

A to Z Guide

Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of A to Z Guide

A to Z Guide - 1
A to Z Guide - 2
A to Z Guide - 3
A to Z Guide - 4
A to Z Guide - 5
A to Z Guide - 6
A to Z Guide - 7
A to Z Guide - 8
A to Z Guide - 9
A to Z Guide - 10
A to Z Guide - 11
A to Z Guide - 12
A to Z Guide - 13
A to Z Guide - 14
A to Z Guide - 15
A to Z Guide - 16
A to Z Guide - 17
A to Z Guide - 18
A to Z Guide - 19
A to Z Guide - 20
A to Z Guide - 21
A to Z Guide - 22
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