A to Z Guide - 40
event. Overall pair game awards are
determined by comparing the results of
all games conducted at a particular
session just as if all of the games were
played at one site. The masterpoints
awarded in this type of tournament are
silver points.
Stack, stacked
1. The cards are said to be stacked
against one player when a single
opponent holds all or nearly all of
the cards in a crucial suit.
2. To stack a deck is to arrange
cards in an undealt deck in order
to put predetermined holdings
into one or more hands, a
practice that is highly unethical
and illegal.
Standard American
Standard American is a nebulous term
applied to the method of bidding most
commonly used in the U.S. It
approximates the method advocated by
Hall of Fame member Charles Goren,
who was known to millions as " Mr.
Bridge " during the last half of the 20th
Standard American Yellow Card
The Standard American Yellow Card is a
convention card that has been filled out
to display a simple, modern method that
leads to a good, solid understanding in a
partnership. This approach has gained
popularity in online play. Few sequences
are defined in the later rounds of
Standard Yellow Card auctions. Players
The response of 2 ♣ to 1NT (or 3 ♣ to
2NT) asks opener to bid a four-card
major suit. This convention, invented by
Hall of Fame member George Rapée was
popularized in an article written by Sam
Stayman, also a member of the ACBL
Bridge Hall of Fame. The convention
was named for the writer rather than the
This is the modern term used to
encompass all four suits plus notrump.
It is a synonym for denomination.
This is a type of game movement where
all players are assigned to a group (strat)
based on their current masterpoint
holdings. Each contestant plays against
players of all point ranges. Masterpoints
are awarded to leaders of each strat. If a
Strat C player scored better than one of
the leaders in Strat B (a higher ranked
strat), the C player will be awarded the
points for Strat B.
An event that is a combination of
flighted and stratified is called
are free to assign forcing, invitational or
non-forcing meanings to natural calls in
such sequences. Players may still
exercise their bridge judgment, such as
in deciding to open a four-card major in
third seat. The SAYC normally five-card
majors approach can withstand an
occasional deviation.
A to Z Guide
Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of A to Z Guide
A to Z Guide - 1
A to Z Guide - 2
A to Z Guide - 3
A to Z Guide - 4
A to Z Guide - 5
A to Z Guide - 6
A to Z Guide - 7
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