A to Z Guide - 41
stratiflighted. The upper level stratum
has no masterpoint restriction and is
played as a separate game. The other
players are subdivided into two or three
strata with specific lower and upper
masterpoint limits. Participants may
enter either the unrestricted ( " play
alone " ) group or the stratified group
with a masterpoint restriction for which
they are eligible.
" Swish " is a colloquialism indicating
when a bid is followed by three passes. A
similar term is " float. "
Swiss Teams
In a Swiss team event, each team will
play six- to nine-board matches against
a number of teams. Matches are
arranged by pairing teams with
approximately equal records as the
game progresses.
Systems On (or Systems Off)
To a bridge player, systems on (or
systems off) indicates an agreement to
apply (or not to apply) certain
conventional methods in contested
Table Presence
One of the things that separate a good
bridge player from an expert is the
indefinable something that is referred to
as table presence. It is a combination of
instinct, the drawing of correct
inferences from any departure from
normal rhythm by the opponents, the
exercise of discipline in bidding, the
ability to coax maximum performance
from partner and the ability to make the
opponents feel that they are facing a
player of a higher order. This is also
referred to as " Table Feel. "
This is a colloquialism for shortening a
hand in trumps by forcing it to ruff.
Team games
A team consists of two pairs who play in
different directions at different tables for
a common score. One pair plays North-
South for a designated number of
boards and the other plays East-West
for the same boards at a different table.
At the mid-point or at the end of the set,
the scores are compared.
Texas transfer
The Texas transfer is a transfer bid,
originated independently by David
Carter of St. Louis and Olle Willner of
Sweden. It is used after an opening 1NT
or 2NT bid to make the strong hand
declarer in a high suit contract. The
responder jumps to 4♦ holding a six
A to Z Guide
Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of A to Z Guide
A to Z Guide - 1
A to Z Guide - 2
A to Z Guide - 3
A to Z Guide - 4
A to Z Guide - 5
A to Z Guide - 6
A to Z Guide - 7
A to Z Guide - 8
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A to Z Guide - 10
A to Z Guide - 11
A to Z Guide - 12
A to Z Guide - 13
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