A to Z Guide - 6

acquired the personal libraries of Edgar
Kaplan, Alfred Sheinwold and Alan
Saying " Alert " is a method of drawing
the opponents' attention to the fact that
partner's call has a conventional or
unexpected meaning. When bidding
boxes are in use, an Alert is made by
tapping an Alert card on the table or by
tapping the Alert strip on the side of the
bidding box and by saying " Alert. " When
bidding boxes are not in use, the partner
of the player making an Alertable call
should say " Alert. " Either opponent can
inquire as to the meaning of the call at
their turn or can reserve the right to
inquire at any later turn to call or play.
Calls that need to be Alerted are shown
in red on the official ACBL Convention
Card and noted on the Alert Chart. The
objective of the Alert procedure is for
both pairs at the table to have equal
access to all information contained in
any auction.
American Bridge Association
The American Bridge Association was
founded in 1932 to accommodate black
bridge players. The organization
continues today, although neither the
ACBL nor the ABA deny membership
based on race, sex or religion.
American Bridge Teachers'
Association (ABTA)
Founded in 1957, this nonprofit,
professional organization, composed
primarily of bridge teachers, is
dedicated to promoting higher
standards of bridge teaching and
playing. The ABTA holds an annual
convention just prior to the ACBL
Summer North American Bridge
Championships at the site of the
tournament. This convention offers the
best form of continuing education
available to bridge teachers.
Announcements are an extension of the
Alert System. An Announcement is a
method by which a player uses one word
or a short phrase to tell the opponents
directly the meaning of partner's call.
Announcements are required in the
following instances:
 After a natural 1NT opening bid,
state the range (12-14, 15-17, etc.).
 After an opening notrump, a bid
of diamonds or hearts
transferring to hearts or spades
respectively, say, " transfer. "
 After a 1NT forcing or semiforcing
response to a 1♥ or 1♠
opening bid, say, " forcing " or
" semi-forcing. "
 After a 1♣ or 1♦ non-forcing
opening where the suit may
contain fewer than three cards,
say, " may be short. "
When bidding boxes are in use, say the
Announcement word, such as " transfer "
and tap the Alert strip in the bidding box
at the same time. Calls that need to be
announced are shown in blue on the

A to Z Guide

Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of A to Z Guide

A to Z Guide - 1
A to Z Guide - 2
A to Z Guide - 3
A to Z Guide - 4
A to Z Guide - 5
A to Z Guide - 6
A to Z Guide - 7
A to Z Guide - 8
A to Z Guide - 9
A to Z Guide - 10
A to Z Guide - 11
A to Z Guide - 12
A to Z Guide - 13
A to Z Guide - 14
A to Z Guide - 15
A to Z Guide - 16
A to Z Guide - 17
A to Z Guide - 18
A to Z Guide - 19
A to Z Guide - 20
A to Z Guide - 21
A to Z Guide - 22
A to Z Guide - 23
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A to Z Guide - 25
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