ADVANCED PLAYERS Test B R I D G E B A R O N 1 6 Your Play Five-time World Computer Bridge Champion "THE MOST POPULAR COMPUTER PROGRAM"-ACBL Select from over forty play levels and numerous conventions Review bidding and play, replay any deal or save deals to disk Deal generator enables you to create deals meeting specific criteria $64.95 ���� #8866 Call for shipping charges "The game is so user friendly with a bunch of features sure to be appreciated by the bridge enthusiast." -M��H��� Your satisfaction guaranteed! To order or receive a catalog, call toll free: 1-800-274-2221 (US & Canada) You may also contact us by fax: 1-502-426-2044 Eddie Kantar 1. Dlr: West Vul: N-S IMPs QJ63 Q64 32 J843 A K 10 9 7 4 - A K Q 5 A 9 7 West North 1 Pass Pass Pass Pass 5 All Pass East 4 5 Pass South 4 Dbl 6 West leads the K. You ruff and plunk down the A, East discarding a heart. Plan the play. 2. Dlr: North K 3 2 Vul: N-S K 7 3 IMPs QJ5 A 8 3 2 A Q 10 5 4 A 6 A 7 KJ65 After North opens 1, you (South) wind up in 6 against silent opponents. West leads the 2 (fourth‑best leads). You win and play the A K. a. How do you play if both follow? b. How do you play if West shows out on the second spade? Solutions are on page 58. August 2006 55