Advanced Players Test Your Play BY EDDIE KANTAR 1. Dlr: South Vul: E-W IMPs ♠52 ♥A743 ♦QJ8 ♣ Q 10 6 2 2. Dlr: South Vul: None IMPs ♠42 ♥AKJ8 ♦A75 ♣A952 ♠AJ73 ♥KQ862 ♦AK ♣A5 West North 1♠ 3♥ All Pass East Pass South 1♥ 6♥! 3♥ was a limit raise (a skinny one), and South leaned a bit also to bid the slam. In any case, 6♥ is your contract to play with the ♠K lead, East playing the 9. ♠A6 ♥ 10 9 6 ♦K432 ♣KJ43 West North East Pass 3NT All Pass South 1NT Opening lead: ♠Q. East encourages with the ♠10. Plan the play. East hands for the November Bidding Box Bid these hands with a partner. The West hands are on pg. 53. The North-South players are silent unless otherwise noted. Scores on pgs. 37-39. Problem 1. North deals. None vul. ♠3 ♥A K 8 5 3 2 ♦K 8 ♣A 9 5 2 Solutions are on page 61. Problem 2. East deals. N-S vul. ♠K Q J 10 8 ♥Q 9 ♦6 ♣A 8 7 3 2 ALERT! The 2017 Laws of Duplicate Bridge are now in effect. Find them online at or check the Ruling the Game column in the July-Nov. issues. Problem 3. South deals. E-W vul. North overcalls 2♠ (weak). South bids 3♠ if possible. ♠K 9 8 ♥K Q 6 4 3 ♦A 8 ♣K J 3 Problem 4. West deals. Both vul. ♠A 7 4 ♥7 6 ♦A J 8 2 ♣A 8 7 6 Problem 5. North deals. N-S vul. North opens 1♠. South bids a forcing 1NT if possible. North rebids 2♠ if possible. ♠J 6 3 ♥A J 9 ♦A 10 6 5 ♣Q 9 4 Problem 6. East deals. E-W vul. ♠A J 9 4 ♥A 7 ♦A Q 10 ♣A 7 6 5 Problem 7. South deals. Both vul. ♠J 9 8 6 5 4 2 ♥- ♦A 5 ♣A Q 8 7 Problem 8. West deals. None vul. ♠Q 9 8 5 ♥A 7 ♦K J 5 ♣Q 8 6 3 November 2017 Bridge Bulletin 59