Intermediate Players Challenge of the Month OUT OF HAND BY BILL BUTTLE Dlr: North ♠ A J 9 3 Vul: Both ♥ K 5 ♦ K J 10 7 6 ♣ 10 7 ♠ 10 ♥AQ98764 ♦9 ♣AKQ9 West Pass Pass Pass Pass All Pass North 1♦ 1♠ 2♦ 4♥ 5♥ East Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass South 1♥ 2♣ 2♥ 4NT 6♥ 2♣ is a conventional game force, 4NT is Roman key card Blackwood, and 5♥ shows two key cards without the ♥Q. West leads the ♠K. What is your plan? Club and Cruise Director Courses The Club & Cruise Directors Course prepares candidates for directing club and bridge cruise games. Includes the ACBL Club Director test. Atlanta GA (NABC) July 24-26 Joyce Stone 662-253-3100 Club Director Refresher Course Atlanta GA * July 31-Aug. 1 Joyce Stone 662-253-3100 58 Bridge Bulletin July 2018 "Voices in my head keep telling me what to do ... trouble is, they're terrible bidders!" Challenge Answer ♠AJ93 ♥K5 ♦ K J 10 7 6 ♣ 10 7 ♠KQ872 ♠654 ♥ 10 ♥J32 ♦85 ♦AQ432 ♣J8432 ♣65 ♠ 10 ♥AQ98764 ♦9 ♣AKQ9 If you're watching the spots, this is an easy one. Win the ♠A at trick one and continue with the ♠J, pitching the diamond from your hand, allowing West to win the ♠Q. If West exits a diamond, ruff and play two rounds of trumps ending in dummy. You plan to discard the ♣9 on the ♠9. You can then cross to your hand with a club to draw the last trump. What if an opponent ruffs the ♠9? You'll overruff and hope that the ♣J comes down when you play the top clubs. ◾