May (continued) 30 PA/Allentown (0-500) 29-31 SK/Prince Albert 28-30 TN/Oak Ridge 28-30 TX/Amarillo 29-31 VA/Blacksburg Lehigh Valley Active Life Prince Albert Inn Oak Ridge Civic Center O'Brien Bridge Club Blacksburg Recreation Center Pat Saeger Michele Bonneau Joyce Morris William Thomas Richard Rio 610-393-4776 306-981-4991 865-483-1225 806-371-0552 540-553-6228 May/June 29-1 TX/Dallas (0-300) Bridge Academy of North Dallas Donna Compton 214-394-5830 Silver Whisper Christopher Rivera 646-685-6367 East Delta Hall Garden Grove United Methodist Clinton Church of Christ Bridge Club of Baltimore Bozeman Senior Center Omaha Bridge Studio Duke City Bridge Center Shelly Studio of Bridge Syracuse Contract DBC TOLEDO BRIDGE CENTER Northwest Christian University Quality Inn Johnson Senior Center Knoxville Bridge Center Marriott Westchase TBA Bridge Center of Austin Spokane Bridge Center Margaret Pattison Cole Behringer Vickki Shelley Edward Rothenheber Judith Wondrak Jill McDermott Susan Law Jim Reed Robert Simard William Dwyer Jr. Martin Nice Anne Pelak Maureen Fahey Kathy Duggan Daniel Jackson Belle Harris Larry Davis Joseph Harwood 778-873-6640 949-220-9194 563-729-1209 443-280-0828 406-646-4976 402-398-1381 505-296-7719 518-357-9849 315-656-3204 419-206-0337 541-731-2354 570-704-9840 401-828-0045 865-441-8683 346-270-3354 432-682-6106 512-343-6942 509-954-8110 BC/Victoria (0-200) CA/San Francisco CO/Durango FL/Pinellas Park (nlm/500) 12-14 FL/The Villages 12-14 IA/Sioux City St. Peter's Anglican Church Janet Pomeroy Center Durango VFW Hall Post 4031 Shelley Burnham Elizabeth Noronha Jana Goldstein 250-516-5987 415-627-8040 970-247-8476 Joanne Wharton Alex Booke 727-596-2139 352-350-1306 Carolynn Sue Miller Billie Brown Richard Beye Diane Schafer Gonzalo Herrera William McClelland Mark Hanlon AJ Stephani Michael Abbey Darlene Scott Lois Porter Ghislaine Leblanc Janice Carter Laurie-Ann Levin Barry Fratkin Lee Schultz 712-253-8827 812-491-3703 314-440-2909 517-327-3925 555-294-7301 910-638-1194 701-319-9350 513-648-9553 343-262-4063 905-257-0304 724-452-7303 418-364-3767 306-585-9897 210-493-0829 804-741-6782 715-356-4143 15-21 BC/PENTICTON PENTICTON TRADE/ CONVENTION CENTER HOLIDAY INN Boy Scouts Building Gulf Coast Bridge Blue Ridge Community College BLUE RIDGE COMMUNITY COLLEGE Honors Bridge Club North Middlesex District Community Centre Marv Norden Marilyn Croft Kory Solarz Richard Logan Sherry Sims 250-767-6446 312-203-0849 320-203-7151 228-254-5245 828-694-3756 Sherry Sims Stephen Levine Margaret Karrel-Konsta 828-694-3756 212-929-3396 25-6 Amsterdam, Netherlands (nc)(cr) June 6 5-7 5-6 5-7 5-7 6-7 5-7 5-7 6-7 1-6 5-7 5-7 6-7 4-7 5-7 5-7 6-7 5-7 BC/Delta (0-200) CA/Garden Grove IA/Clinton (0-500) MD/Pikesville MT/Bozeman NE/Omaha (0-750) NM/Albuquerque NY/Latham NY/Minoa (Syracuse) OH/TOLEDO OR/Eugene PA/Wilkes-Barre RI/Johnston TN/Knoxville (nlm/500) TX/Houston TX/Midland TX/Austin (nlm/500) WA/Spokane Valley 13 13-14 12-14 11-14 St. Petersburg Bridge Club La Hacienda Recreation Center Siouxland Center for Active Generations 8-14 IN/EVANSVILLE (split) UNIVER. OF SOUTHERN INDIANA 11-14 KS/Wichita Best Western North 13 MI/Lansing (nlm/500) Lansing Bridge Center 10-14 MX/Acapulco‡ Casa Club la Isla 12-14 NC/Pinehurst (nlm/500) Sandhills Bridge Center 12-14 ND/Bismarck Masonic Center 8-14 OH/CINCINNATI (split) DELTA HOTELS BY MARRIOTT 13-14 ON/Ottawa (0-750) The Bridge Connection 13-14 ON/Toronto (0-500) Leaside Memorial Gardens 13-14 PA/Lyndora (Butler) Tanglewood Center 12-14 QC/Carleton-sur-Mer Salle Charles-Dugas 13-14 SK/Regina (0-300) Regina DBC 11-14 TX/San Antonio TBA 12-14 VA/Richmond Guzman Community Center 11-14 WI/Woodruff Woodruff Town Hall IL/CRYSTAL LAKE MN/St. Cloud MS/Gulfport NC/Flat Rock NC/FLAT ROCK (nlm/750) 20-21 NY/New York 20-21 ON/Parkhill 14-19 18-20 19-21 18-21 18-21 84 Bridge Bulletin April 2020 519-459-0009