Youth Bridge Education Organization presents YOUTH BRIDGE CAMP 2023 July 30-Aug. 4 Lake Williamson Retreat Center Carlinville, IL A sleepaway camp for students entering grades 6 through 10 in Fall 2023. Five fun-packed days featuring: ; Play-as-you-learn lessons for novice, intermediate and advanced players k Earn silver masterpoint awards in ACBL sanctioned tournaments l Swimming, boating and water sports at Lake Williamson ' Archery, table tennis, mini-golf, cookouts, campfires and more Thanks to a grant from the ACBL Educational Foundation, the cost is just $450, limited to 40 campers For more information contact: Camp Registrar Pamela Ames (618)791-7081 or on the web at Tournament Directory June continued 2-4 ON/Niagara on the Lake NOTL Community Centre (0-750) 3-4 ON/Sarnia (nc) 2-4 OR/EUGENE (0-750) 2-4 OR/Eugene 2-4 PA/Boalsburg 2-4 QC/Rimouski 3-4 RI/Johnston 2-4 SC/Anderson 2-4 SK/Saskatoon 1-3 TN/Knoxville (nlm/750) 2-4 TX/Midland 9-11 CO/Durango 10 CT/Branford (nlm/500) 9-10 IA/Sioux City 9-10 IA/WATERLOO (nlm/750) 9-10 IA/Waterloo 5-9 IL/CRYSTAL LAKE 8-11 MD/Silver Spring (DC) 10-11 OK/Oklahoma City (nlm/750) 10-11 ON/Toronto (nlm/500) Brews Bridge Club BUSHNELL UNIVERSITY Bushnell University Boalsburg Fire Hall Rimouski Johnston Senior Center Westside Community Center Saskatoon Bridge Club Knoxville Bridge Center Allison Bridge Center VFW‡ Branford Community Center Siouxland Center for Active Generations WESTMINSTER PRESBYTERIAN Westminster Presbyterian HOLIDAY INN M. Schweinhaut Senior Center 7-8 NY/Rochester (nlm/500) Temple B'Rith Kodesh 4-10 OH/CINCINNATI DELTA BY MARRIOTT Fun and Games DBC Leaside Memorial Gardens Melissa Heston Marilyn Croft Brad Theurer Bruce Toder Arun Goyal Launa Ashby Darlene Scott 319-415-8469 312-203-0849 301-527-8819 585-223-1674 513-777-2799 405-503-3824 905-257-0304 Bonnie Stettler 319-290-2666 Muriel Tremblay Randy Breuer Martin Nice Martin Nice Janice Lindsay Yvan Belanger Maureen Fahey Linda Lewis Phyllis Minielly Jane Peabody Lonnie Yee 905-468-9349 519-381-6792 541-731-2354 541-731-2354 814-861-3342 418-723-7210 401-828-0045 864-261-3478 306-230-3579 904-315-3352 432-352-8882 Susanna Westerwick 303-859-2941 Donald Brueggemann 203-488-3220 Kurt Reimer 605-232-4373 80 | Bridge Bulletin | May 2023