VANTON THERMOPLASTIC PUMPS It's What's Inside that Counts Every Vanton pump limits fl uid contact to component parts that are injection molded or fabricated of chemically inert, homogeneous thermoplastics, or other non-metallic materials selected for your specifi c application. Vanton's thick-sectioned, stand-alone thermoplastic components offer a broader range of corrosion and abrasion resistance than those constructed of stainless steel or fi ber-reinforced plastics. And, our thermoplastic pump construction eliminates corrosion concerns often associated with the handling of acids, caustics, mixed or unknown liquids, plant effl uents, and waste streams as well as reagent grade chemicals and ultrapure water. CGM-ANSI MAG DRIVE PUMP & EQUIPMENT CORPORATION SUMP-GARD® CGA-ANSI For details visit