46 Environmental Manager Key Considerations for the Use of Portable Gas Detectors Recent advances in gasmonitoring technologies can greatly increase worker connectivity and safety 49 You and Your Job U.S. Patent Rights: Think Twice Before Disclosing Your Invention These cautionary tales provide insight that can lead to best practices for scientists who are seeking patents for their inventions Equipment and Services 46 24 Focus on Analyzers A proportional level-output detector for pilot plants; This ICP-OES analyzer is now twice as sensitive; Determine sulfur and nitrogen content in gases and liquids; A cyanide analyzer for industrial wastewater applications; Moisture analyzer with more communications capabilities; and more 28 New Products 49 New options for this biogas flowmeter; A tablet makes data available, even in hazardous areas; Backpressure valves and pulsation dampeners combined; A new digital service to transform engineering in the CPI; New polymer powder for 3-D printing; and more Departments 24 5 Editor's Page The far reach of the CPI The chemical process industries significantly impact the global economy and influence most manufactured goods 60 Economic Indicators Advertisers 28 55 Hot Products 57 Classified 58 Subscription and Sales Representative Information 59 Ad Index Chemical Connections Follow @ChemEngMag on Twitter Join the Chemical Engineering Magazine LinkedIn Group Visit us on www.chemengonline.com for more articles, Latest News, Webinars, Test your Knowledge Quizzes, Bookshelf and more Coming in May Look for: Feature Reports on Operations and Maintenance; and Level Measurement and Control; A Focus on Weighing; A Facts at your Fingertips on Extreme Temperature Handling; News Articles on Petroleum Refining; and Sensors; New Products; and much more Cover design: Rob Hudgins 2 CHEMICAL ENGINEERING WWW.CHEMENGONLINE.COM APRIL 2019http://www.chemengonline.com http://WWW.CHEMENGONLINE.COM