Emerson Automation Solutions Emerson Automation Solutions FIGURE 2. High TAN crudes cause naphthenic acid corrosion ation where the asset is at its weakest, while the threat of corrosion is at its highest. Corrosion is thus adding another layer of complexity to assessing future asset strategies and their economic feasibility. This presents petroleum-refinery operators with a pressing economic decision: do they decommission the asset at a substantial cost and search for ways to replace its production, continue to produce at a potential profit with the associated risk, or find a way to continue operation in a cost-effective and safe manner? Call the Solids Mixing Ribbon & Cone Blenders Fluidizing Mixers Sigma Blade Mixers (also for high-viscosity mixing) Size Reduction Wet & Dry Size Reduction Steel & Ceramic Lined Mills Jars & Jar Rolling Mills Vacuum Drying Dryers & Complete Systems FIGURE 3. Many areas in refineries are susceptible to corrosion, but corrosion monitors can detect problems Since capital investment budgets are always limited and risk-reduction is paramount, closely monitoring for for all your solids processing Experts Batch & Continuous Mixing That Delivers More Applications: APIs ∙ Ag-Chemicals Biologics ∙ Catalysts Ceramics ∙ Chemicals Food Ingredients Herbicides ∙ Minerals Nutraceuticals ∙ Pesticides Pharmaceuticals ∙ Pigments Polymers ∙ Powdered Metals Proteins ∙ Resins ∙ Vitamins * Easy to clean and maintain * Excellent heat transfer * Parts and service available for life * Vacuum- and pressure-rated signs of poor asset integrity and proactively addressing problems is often the preferred option. Innovation www.pauloabbe.com 855-789-9827 sales@pauloabbe.com For details visit adlinks.chemengonline.com/70309-33 CHEMICAL ENGINEERING WWW.CHEMENGONLINE.COM AUGUST 2018 Learn more about our equipment. 989-757-1300 | bplittleford.com For details visit adlinks.chemengonline.com/70309-06 51 Q ual 191 ity & Since 1http://www.bplittleford.com http://www.pauloabbe.com http://adlinks.chemengonline.com/70309-33 http://adlinks.chemengonline.com/70309-06 http://WWW.CHEMENGONLINE.COM