December 2010 In ThIs Issue Volume 117, no. 13 covEr Story 26 Cover Story Heat-transfer fluid leaks: Break the fire triangle Extreme processing temperatures present the greatest risk. Knowing where leaks are most likely to occur and how to prevent them is an important step toward safety nEwS 11 Chementator A new process to make bio-alkylate scales up; Sulfur dioxide emissions at sulfuric acid plants are reduced with a new catalyst; Microbes convert stack gases to fuels and chemicals; Nanoclusters that selectively catalyze oxidation reactions; Miniature ESR spectrometer facilitates study of free radicals; and more 15 Newsfront Thawing CPI job market spurs hiring Cautious optimism on the part of many companies in the CPI drives modest hiring activity 19 Newsfront On the level Level measurement technology was lacking in the past, but new technologies are increasing reliability and overcoming traditional measurement obstacles EnginEEring 22 The Fractionation Column Did somebody say pilot plant? The author cautions too heavy a reliance on computer simulations in development projects, and salutes pilot plant engineers who corroborate modeling work in the tangible world 24 Facts at Your Fingertips Project design decision-making This one-page reference guide discusses the creation of options lists within the Economic Design Model, a method to formalize an approach to considering costs in designing processes and plants commEntary 5 Editor's Page Blurring borders and the future Much of future R&D in chemistry and chemical engineering will occur in the borderlands between scientific disciplines. A symposium on chemical frontiers illustrates the idea that success in the future will increasingly require knowledge from multiple industries 34 Feature Report Filtration centrifuges: An overview The first step in selecting the right centrifuge is understanding what types are available. This article provides such an overview with descriptions of how centrifuges operate and where they are best applied 39 Engineering Practice Optimizing reciprocating compressors for CPI plants This article offers guidance on how to improve the design, performance and reliability of these widely used machines 44 Environmental Manager Chemical lifecycle management Sustainable chemical processing demands a high level of oversight that seeks new ways to effectively and efficiently procure, handle and dispose of or recycle materials EquipmEnt & SErvicES 48 Focus on Personal protective equipment Safety glasses that easily convert to goggles; Stable stairs ensure safety at the loading dock; Respirators with flexible fit; This hazmat suit is comfortable to wear; and more dEpartmEntS Letters . . . . . . . . . . 6 Calendar ....... 8-9 Who's Who ...... 25 Reader Service page ........... 58 Economic Indicators . . . . 59-60 advErtiSErS Literature Review . 50 Product Showcase 53 Classified Advertising ... 54-56 Advertiser Index . . 57 coming in January Look for: Feature Reports on Vibration; and Reboiler circuits for trayed columns; an Environmental Manager article on Plant safety; Focus on level measurement; News articles on Fermentation; and Combating SOx; an Engineering Practice article on Control valves; Facts at Your Fingertips on Solvent selection; a You and Your Job article on Contractual incentives; a new installment of The Fractionation Column; and more Cover: David Whitcher ChemiCal engineering www.Che.Com DeCember 2010 3 http://www.Che.Com