WE ARE 30,000 INNOVATORS DELIVERING SUSTAINABLE ENVIRONMENTAL SOLUTIONS Join us or hire us. We will show you how our 30,000 North American employees are making the world a better place through sustainable solutions. For example, in partnership with a large utility company, VEOLIA ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES operates one of the largest landfill gas-to-high-BTU energy projects in the United States located in Kersey, Pennsylvania. By piping landfill gas from our Greentree Landfill to an innovative processing plant, VEOLIA ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES is providing enough energy to heat approximately 75,000 homes and is reducing greenhouse gas emissions equivalent to over 116,000 tons of carbon dioxide annually. Learn more at www.veolianorthamerica.com WATER SERVICES AND TECHNOLOGIES * WASTE SERVICES * ENERGY AND FACILITY MANAGEMENT * PASSENGER TRANSPORTATION CREATIVE SOLUTIONS FOR OUR ENVIRONMENT Circle 22 on p. 57 or go to adlinks.che.com/29257-22http://www.veolianorthamerica.com http://adlinks.che.com/29257-22