www.che.com DECEmbEr 2013 Cover Story 42 Cover Story The Globally Harmonized System This introduction to the Globally Harmonized System of the Classification and Labeling of Chemicals can help in understanding the new classification requirements NewS 11 Chementator The first commercial process for K2SO4 from polyhalite completes pilot; New process for monoethylene glycol completes pilot stage; This gasification process turns waste into syngas; Metabolic engineering makes plants produce more oil; Making biogas from waste with low organic content; and more 17 Newsfront CPI Feeling the 'Brunt of Prosperity' on Workforce issues Natural-gas-related capacity expansions are making workforce issues acute, but successful strategies are emerging 24 Newsfront Innovations in Gasification Each region and each application needs a distinct gasification technology. Fortunately, the equipment is growing and changing to meet the demands eNgiNeeriNg 40 Facts at Your Fingertips Filtration Testing and Slurry Conditioning This one-page reference provides guidance on filtration testing, and offers ideas on combination filtration for slurry conditioning 41 Technology Profile Butene via Ethylene Dimerization This one-page profile describes the technology and economic considerations for the production of butene from ethylene via a dimerization process 45 Feature Report Plant Revamps and Turnarounds Although time is always precious, taking shortcuts and skipping standard procedures can be costly eNgiNeeriNg 51 Engineering Practice Calculations in Process Engineering Knowing how specific calculations differ can focus your efforts 54 Engineering Practice Optimization of a Steam Network Proper configuration of steam-turbine drivers affects power generation in petroleum refineries ChemiCal engineering www.Che.Com DeCember 2013 1 45 24 VolumE 120, no. 12 42http://www.che.com http://www.Che.Com