50 Solids Processing Using Flowsheet Simulation to Improve Process Design This tool provides advantages when it comes to modeling operations involving granular solids 53 Environmental Manager Fire-Water Pumps for CPI Facilities Fire safety is essential in CPI operations. Follow this guidance to improve the selection, design and operation of pumps handling water for firefighting and related systems 23 equipmeNt & ServiCeS 28 Focus on Analyzers Analyze H2S content in liquids with this benchtop device; Detect even small gas leaks with this ultrasonic detector; A hydrocarbon analyzer with CO and CO2 detection options; Wide-range-capable thermomechanical analyzers; This flashpoint analyzer has enhanced user-interface options; and more 30 New Products High-end Android smartphone for hazardous areas; Intelligent structuring and segmentation of piping; Slash costs with this low-profile belt press; NanoSampler enables high-throughput sample delivery; Measure interfaces with this electromechanical system; and more 28 CommeNtary 5 Editor's Page Redesigning Our Look A new website and a forthcoming redesigned print product are among the ways Chemical Engineering strives to bring greater benefits its readers departmeNtS 7 8 Letters Calendar 60 Reader Service 62 Who's Who 63 Economic Indicators 30 advertiSerS 58 Product Showcase/Classified 61 Advertiser Index oNly oN ChemeNgoNliNe.Com Look for Web-exclusive articles; " Test your Knowledge " quizzes; New Products; Latest News; and more ComiNg iN JaNuary Look for: Feature Reports on Controlling Suspension Rheology; and Methane Processing; A Focus on Pressure Measurement and Control; A Facts at Your Fingertips column on Pumps; News articles on Industrial Enzymes; and Modular Construction; and more Cover: Rob Hudgins 2 ChemiCal engineering www.Chemengonline.Com DeCemBer 2014http://www.ChemeNgoNliNe.Com http://www.Chemengonline.Com