www.chemengonline.com December 2018 Cover Story 33 Part 1 Recent Air Regulations: Impact on Turnaround Vapor De-inventory Strategies With the onset of new environmental regulations, turnaround teams must look to temporary vaporcontrol strategies to ensure compliance during non-routine operations 39 Part 2 Energy Recovery in Compressed Air Systems Users of compressed air can take advantage of heat recovery to enhance their sustainability, improve energy efficiency and reduce system lifecycle costs In the News 5 Chementator Microwave-plasma platform engineers solid-material properties; Progress toward using ammonia as a hydrogen carrier for fuel cells; Ammonia synthesized from renewable power and hydrogen; MOF-coated mesh membranes separate oil from water; A solar-powered electrolysis process extracts lithium from seawater; and more 11 Business News Synthomer opens expanded nitrile latex production facility in Malaysia; Solvay to increase fluorelastomer production in China and Italy; DuPont to build new specialty materials manufacturing plant in East China; Standard Lithium signs JV term sheet with Lanxess; and more 13 Newsfront Economy and Opportunity Drive High CPI Salaries Amid a tight labor market, CPI workers at all levels are in high demand, as the range of jobs requiring chemical engineering expertise becomes increasingly diverse 18 Newsfront Do More with Modern Simulation Tools New user-friendly solutions help chemical processors tackle tasks beyond design and optimization Technical and Practical 31 Facts at your Fingertips Distillation: Comparing Experiments and Simulations This one-page reference provides information on experimental validation of simulations for distillation-based separations processes 32 Technology Profile Polychloroprene Production This column outlines the production of polychloroprene rubber from butadiene and chlorine 44 Feature Report Pitfalls to Avoid When Generating Cost Estimates The pitfalls in cost estimating that cause project overruns have been well known for decades, yet they continue to plague the CPI 48 Engineering Practice A Shortcut to Optimize Pipe Diameters by Economic Criteria This methodology can be used not only for laminar flow, but also for the complete turbulent region CHEMICAL ENGINEERING WWW.CHEMENGONLINE.COM DECEMBER 2018 1 18 13 33 Volume 125 | no. 12 44http://www.chemengonline.com http://WWW.CHEMENGONLINE.COM