eNgiNeeriNg Automatic multivariable control 52 Engineering Practice Small-matrix, Model-less Multivariable Control Historical reliance on big-matrix, model-based multivariable control is giving way to a shift toward small-matrix, model-less multivariable control equipmeNt & ServiCeS 26 Focus on Drying and Evaporation An oil evaporator for difficult sample matrices; A powerful evaporator for drug discovery; A mixer that's also an energy-efficient dryer; A stand-alone vacuum sampler for producing powders; A walk-in oven dries resins at 750˚C; and more 28 New Products Flexible convoluted hoses that do not kink or collapse; This tool removes oxidation from plastic pipes prior to welding; Metering pumps that are safe for water-treatment processes; This pilot-scale reaction system saves space and time; Illuminate vessel interiors with this portable tank lamp; and more CommeNtary 5 Efficiency, safety Manual multivariable control 52 Editor's Page Green chemistry reaps rewards Each year the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) honors technologies that have a positive impact on safety and the environment. The 2013 Presidential Green Chemistry Challenge Award winners are briefly described 26 57 The Fractionation Column Is there a university-industry disconnect? The author examines the university-industry relationship in the context of CO2-related presentations at recent meetings departmeNtS 6 Letters 8 Calendar 60 Reader Service advertiSerS 58 Product Showcase/Classified 61 Advertiser Index ComiNg iN marCh Look for: Feature Reports on Corrosion; and Scale-up of Fermentation Processes; an Engineering Practice article on Minimizing FDA Citations; A Solids Processing article on Pneumatic Conveying; An Environmental Manager article on Air Pollution Regulations; A Focus on Safety Equipment; A Facts at Your Fingertips on Level Measurement; News articles on Recycling; and Sensors; and more Cover: David Whitcher 2 ChemiCal engineering www.Che.Com february 2014 oNly oN Che.Com Look for Web-exclusive articles; " Test your Knowledge " quizzes; New Products; Latest News; and more 62 Who's Who 63 Economic Indicators 36 28 Process limits Capacity, reliabilityhttp://www.Che.Com http://www.Che.Com